Gears of War 2

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In the details it says... is it really free, or do you still need the code? I already have it, so I'm just curious.

Yep, completely free. Its a glitch of sorts. Just "purchase" it on the web. It adds it to your queue. Then go home and download it.

No, it's not. Last time I checked, the designers of the game made the ability to stick to a wall and cover a feature of the game. Just like chainsawing is a feature of the game. Just like the boomshot is a feature in the game, grenades, mortar, etc. Two piecing is not a feature in the game. It's something that they are working on fixing so people stop doing it... so you tell me exactly how it's the same? As far as I can remember, there are no patches on the way to fix people from chainsawing, using the boom, grenades, mortar, etc. ;)
:lecture :lecture :lecture

i'm not complaining, once again, i said to yippy that i think it requires zero skill. then everybody jumped on my ass about. yet 80% of the room last night had a huge problem with it.
Not sure who everybody is, but I vocally made my displeasure known, two weeks ago NOBODY was doing it, now 80% are and it's annoying. In gears 1 the melee with the shottie stunned you for a millisecond, in gears 2 it freezes you for an eternity and IMO it is not something that EPIC intended.

Shut up Josh. You cry all the time too. Almost after every kill I hear you complain about it.

I want FF on because I thought it might help you pre-programmed bots from playing hte SAME way all the time. I get bored doing the same crap all time and like to change things up. I use sniper, torque, shottie, chainsaw or whatever I can grab. Some of you do the same ^^^^ every single match and to me that gets boring.

I also already admitted I used to whore for the snipe in Gears 1, but I was forced to adapt. I did it and so can you if FF is turned on right? Oh, no, you can't. Instead you'll just quit.
Once again, stop us. If it gets boring, do something about it, don't hate on me and Josh 'cause we get results with those weapons. You used to get pissed that Yippy killed you with the snipe or shottie is it the same thing?

So again, just admit that you'll take your ball and go home if things are not set to what you want and what best fits your "style" of play.
How hard did you bite your tongue as you were typing this? :lol
Seriously, can't we just have fun playing the game?

As for weapon whoring...I am fairly certain if you were on a team with Ill or Josh and said, "Hey, can I get boom or mortar" I have serious doubts they would say no.

If no one speaks up, why shouldn't they get them?
The power weapons are there for a reason.

I would also think their predictability would work in the other team's favor in making it easier to know where to meet up with them.

Just sayin'.
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Seriously, can't we just have fun playing the game?

As for weapon whoring...I am fairly certain if you were on a team with Ill or Josh and said, "Hey, can I get boom or mortar" I have serious doubts they would say no.

If no one speaks up, why shouldn't they get them?
The power weapons are there for a reason.
Thank you Havyk and of course I would never stop anyone from wanting the Boom, hell I'll even cover them while they pick it up. My whole focus is to get/use the weapon that I am the most adept at and help my team win.

You know it's still fun brother, we've had good times the last few times we played together, but just wait 'til you've been 2-pieced 50 times in one night! :lol
...I would also think their predictability would work in the other team's favor in making it easier to know where to meet up with them.

Just sayin'.

Exactly! Last night on Hail, we pretty much shut out Ill from Boom and won the match! Of course, he owned us on other maps, but it can be done! :D
Keep dreamin' buddy. :D I loved when you blew yourself...up with it on Stasis, I casually picked it up and got 3 kills on two shots. :cool:

Well yeah, but I was talking about Hail... I did say you owned us most other maps.

As for blowing myself up... how come you can shoot the Boomshot through some railings on some maps but not others?
Once again, stop us. If it gets boring, do something about it, don't hate on me and Josh 'cause we get results with those weapons. You used to get pissed that Yippy killed you with the snipe or shottie is it the same thing?

Once again, that gets boring to me. I don't want to have to rush boom or mortar every round of every game to just try and stop you. There is a whole map there, but 90% of our games are played on 10% of the map.

I don't care if people agree with me or not anymore. I don't care how the host chooses to set it up. I generally still play for a few hours every weekend, but my major beef is that if I happen to be hosting and I set FF to "on" then people will up and leave because it doesn't fit how they want to play ( same ^^^^ over and over ). That says a lot to me, but my opinion on the entire issue at this point has officially reached "what the ^^^^ ever" status.
Thank you Havyk and of course I would never stop anyone from wanting the Boom, hell I'll even cover them while they pick it up. My whole focus is to get/use the weapon that I am the most adept at and help my team win.

You know it's still fun brother, we've had good times the last few times we played together, but just wait 'til you've been 2-pieced 50 times in one night! :lol

Oh, I know it does get old.
I don't care if people agree with me or not anymore. I don't care how the host chooses to set it up. I generally still play for a few hours every weekend, but my major beef is that if I happen to be hosting and I set FF to "on" then people will up and leave because it doesn't fit how they want to play ( same ^^^^ over and over ). That says a lot to me, but my opinion on the entire issue at this point has officially reached "what the ^^^^ ever" status.

But that is only 2 people (that I am aware of)...not the entire Brotherhood.