It seems to me like we are attemting to discuss the acceptable ways of getting kills in a broken multiplayer game. It just isn't going to happen.
My personal nitpicks: being able to knock somebody down with a smoke, attaching grenades and smokes to walls(which made the game more defensive and less agressive like gears 1), and shotgun fire not backing off an incoming chainsaw.
Believe me, i don't really like the 2 piece, but how can you blame me for using it when i just try and use shotgun fire and it doesn't back someone off and they chainsaw me, or i come up behind someone and fire and they turn around and chainsaw.
I get want you are saying, bagels, about the 2 piece not being an intended way of getting kills. Should i do what Cliffy B intended with the game and knock someone on their ass with a smoke and chainsaw them?? I don't see how that is any better.
I'm with Mark, Cliffy B needs to be punched in the face.
I guess you just find a way to play the game that best suites your style of play, and i'm an aggresive player.