It's not like you are going to start playing again
Never know
It's not like you are going to start playing again
don't try and make me feel guilty, i'm just helping a brother take care of business
Looking forward to trying this out tomorrow night!
My Grandma died tonight. Just got the call
First family member I have ever lost that I have been close to. I was blessed to have all of my grandparents my whole life until tonight.
so darthmarix/sithlord........i see you're is it after the update?
Im sure Jon still gets his ass kicked.
seriously what time is it where he is?
8am I am pretty sure he is an hour behind me.
either a day off work or the dude has issues
He probably don't start work until 9 or 10 that way people have time to get up and out of the house before he goes in and puts their carpet down.