1/6 General 1/6 X-men thread

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The wait sucked, but I couldn’t be happier with this figure. I like the outfit and hope they’d knock out a Rogue or, at least, Jean Grey to round out the main team from the original film.

No way ToysEra tops it, but I wouldn’t mind Apocalypse Storm.
Still waiting to receive mine 😒
We had a major strike with the Post office here in Canada, but FigureMasters sent it by DHL, so I don’t know what’s up. Don’t know if it changed couriers or something. I’m getting impatient haha.
looks good, personally i'm waiting for this one just to get the slightly different uniform, hope there's some more pics soon.
Why do they all keep doing the same character as each other?
I mean, I guess it’s nice to have options but damn. There are so many more characters they could do instead of ones already being done.
I’m still holding out hope that one of these company’s makes a proper Jean Grey in the uniform.

EDIT: I just realized that the SooSoo Iceman is bearded, so he must be from DOFP. So, I guess that’s okay...
So Toys Era updated us on Ice Man but not Psylocke?
She’s supposed to be released by now.
Timewalker Toys had her shipping in November.
Has anyone seen any photos?
The non-iced head sculpt for Iceman looks pretty terrible. Luckily no intention of displaying that version.
I dont care which company does it (as long as shes done well!) just please someone give us this beauty!!!
I don't want to be negative, ive pre ordered toys era iceman and was excited for its release... Until.
Isaw the pics yesterday... I know Shawn was Iceman but he was HOT this figure is NOT.

The ice hair looks good but because its ice ! Its a cop out, the likeness in the uniced head is not there at all its more like putting a generic soldier in an x suit. I hope it improves their cyc looks good but I can't display ice next to my figuremasters stuff who's likeness is on point.
Its a classic case of the picture they use online and you turn up for the date and quickly make an excuse to leave ��

original x men want list
Jean Grey
Mystique (Rebecca)
Yes please. My favourite look is when she first came out from the water in X3 with the long hair, but I’ll take anything with a decent Famke Janssen likeness.

Maybe if we all ask VEEEEERY nicely and are super good this year, we can get figuremasters to do a Jean like their storm with two heads for both looks???������������
Maybe if we all ask VEEEEERY nicely and are super good this year, we can get figuremasters to do a Jean like their storm with two heads for both looks???������������

She's so simple to make. Just get the headsculpt right and people will buy it.

But considering the fact that it took so many years just to get Storm (a more popular character), i won't get my hopes up.
And it’s such easy money for figuremasters-just repaint the piping on the suit and a new head sculpt bam brand new release!
Just like I’m hoping when they get the Jennifer mystique kinks worked out they will then give us a Rebbeca Romaijn headsculpt :pray::pray::pray:
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If they want to be really accurate though, her X1 and X2/X3 suits are different. One is a full body suit and the other is a jacket and pants. But either way, I personally don’t care which we get. I just want something.