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Why? I thought Iguodala was fair choice. No balls would've been a de facto pick like Curry.

And please don't give me this LeBron MVP business. MVP should never go to a player on a losing team.
Great game last night. I'm happy that Curry won and Lebron lost, but on the other hand, feel for the Cleveland fans :(

I thought it was great that Andre got the MVP. He's one of those frequently unsung heroes of basketball who goes out and does a solid, dependable job, and are often the real difference maker when the flashier players get the credit.
David stern no longer the nba commissioner, and the Warriors win the very first year he's gone. Nba has been fixed for the longest. They refs tried to rig it this game, but the Warriors STILL pulled it off!! Warriors beat two teams this series. The Cleveland Cavaliers and their friends, the refs! I've been a warrior fan since birth, and nobody will take this away from me! I'll take Steph over Lebrick any day.

You are not biased at all about the refs, huh? There were bad calls made both ways in this series, but at the end of the day I didn't see anything that made me think the refs were trying to fix that game last night or any game for that matter. The Warriors haven't been close to a championship in decades so I'm not sure what you are inferring about David Stern in regards to your team.

The better team won the series which was expected after Cleveland suffered injuries to their #2 and #3 players. Golden State played well but were also fortunate that their opponents throughout the playoffs suffered key injuries.

Curry shot 44% for the series and LeBron shot 40%. Not that far off, especially considering LeBron was targeted the entire series since he was the only true offensive threat for Cleveland. LeBron lead the series in points, rebounds, and assists averaging nearly a triple-double which is truly impressive. That's something no other player in the league could match if they were short-handed their #2 and 3 players.

Congrats to Golden State for a heck of a season.
Didn't get to watch the whole game because my three week old daughter has been kicking my a$$ all week, LOL, but with the amount of turnovers the Cavs had in the first half I knew it wasn't their night.

Congrats to Golden State. The cool thing about this series is that no matter what the result, one of two long suffering franchises would win.

Dellanova is Jeremy Lin 2.0.... He will disappear into basketball obscurity after this game

The truth.

Sorry Cavs fans, if Satan wasn't playing for your team I would've really rooted hard for you guys are a lot cooler than Heat fans :peace

Dude, I know you don't like LeBron, but "Satan"? :lol

Congrats Warriors fans. I've seen more Unicorns than I've met Warriors fans but I'm sure that's gonna change now but congrats


David stern no longer the nba commissioner, and the Warriors win the very first year he's gone. Nba has been fixed for the longest. They refs tried to rig it this game, but the Warriors STILL pulled it off!! Warriors beat two teams this series. The Cleveland Cavaliers and their friends, the refs! I've been a warrior fan since birth, and nobody will take this away from me! I'll take Steph over Lebrick any day.


Welcome to the NBA forum, but let me be the first to say that there's a lot of trash talk here but it's friendly tarsh long as you've been participating and commenting the whole season. :monkey3
Why? I thought Iguodala was fair choice. No balls would've been a de facto pick like Curry.

And please don't give me this LeBron MVP business. MVP should never go to a player on a losing team.

:lecture I support the Cavs and enjoy watching James however, I don't feel the mvp should go to a player on the losing team. I believe James was the best player throughout the series and was deserving but it is silly to celebrate losing.....I am pleased the award was given to a player who deserved it (Iggy) not just handed to the easiest marketable player (Curry).
Yes, LeBron was definitely the MVP of the series but you can't give that award to a player on the losing team. Iguodala (free throws in game 5 notwithstanding) made timely shots and provided some tough D on LeBron. It's not that simple, but you could argue that the Warriors, tied the series, went anhead, and closed out in the games that he started.

In the 2010 finals (I'm sure I have the year wrong), I think Pau Gasol should have won the MVP over Kobe (especially after his disastrous Game 7 shooting). Glad that the voters this year has the temerity to vote the way they did.
Didn't get to watch the whole game because my three week old daughter has been kicking my a$$ all week, LOL, but with the amount of turnovers the Cavs had in the first half I knew it wasn't their night.

Congrats to Golden State. The cool thing about this series is that no matter what the result, one of two long suffering franchises would win.
Dude, I know you don't like LeBron, but "Satan"? :lol


Ok maybe Satan was a little harsh and tbh I'm sure LeBron's a really a cool dude in real life - probably more so than the MJ's, Kobe's and Bird's of the world, but as an NBA persona I think he's a turd. And (obviously) it bugs me to no end how the media and some of the dogged fans of him (not necessarily the fans of the teams he plays on) portray him as some kind of demigod that is an aw shucks, woe-is-me-victim who can do no wrong.
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I am a bit perplexed that Iguodala is a pretty effective 3-point shooter but struggles with free throws. He's a solid player and deserved the MVP though. We all know LeBron James was the best individual player on the court, but you can't give that award to a player on the losing team.
Andre had a greater impact in the series than Curry, so he defn deserved it. JR Smith to opt out according to Broussard. Good riddance. I still say ditch Blatt. Not one GS fan still in here huh? I think it would be a lot different if the team were in SF instead of Oakland.
there is a lot of talk today about the what ifs of this years playoffs. Minus the absence of Love and Irving for Cle, it's crazy to think about what could have happened and how match ups could have been so different. If SA doesn't lose the last game of the year, GS might've had to face them in the WC finals, and if Durant was healthy, it would've been a very hard battle with Westbrook and Durant in the 1/8 matchup. You also have Conley/Allen injuries in the Memphis series and the choke job of the LAC. It just shows how important it is to be healthy all year long and how luck is very much at play to winning it all.
Andre had a greater impact in the series than Curry, so he defn deserved it. JR Smith to opt out according to Broussard. ood riddance. I still say ditch Blatt. Not one GS fan still in here huh? I think it would be a lot different if the team were in SF instead of Oakland.

Agreed about Iggy......I am fine with Smith opting out........who can we get to replace Blatt? I am not big on the standard crew remaining....
Andre had a greater impact in the series than Curry, so he defn deserved it.

Hell no. The only reason he was open to drain so many shots was b/c CLE was going ape **** trying to defend Curry and slow him down, and Curry still put up a great stat line for the series. Better than Iggy.
Why? I thought Iguodala was fair choice. No balls would've been a de facto pick like Curry.

And please don't give me this LeBron MVP business. MVP should never go to a player on a losing team.

MVP is a player only award, not a team award. The best TEAM was the Warriors hence the title. The best player was Lebron, hence the reason he should have got the MVP.
Problem with most folks......they look at stat line (points etc.) not the intangibles..........Iggy played tough ass defense on the best player on the court, impacted how he played. Lebron changed his game when guarded by Iggy because he had difficulty scoring. That is why the Cavs tried pick n roll to get him off James. Iggy scored, rebounded and pushed the momentum allowing the Warriors to stay small and push the tempo. Curry didn't dominate rather was an opportunist because of Green and Iggy. But he shot the ball real purty and scored instant MVP...:rotfl

Oh yea, I am still pissed Cavs lost. :mad:
Ok maybe Satan was a little harsh and tbh I'm sure LeBron's a really a cool dude in real life - probably more so than the MJ's, Kobe's and Bird's of the world, but as an NBA persona I think he's a turd. And (obviously) it bugs me to no end how the media and some of the dogged fans of him (not necessarily the fans of the teams he plays on) portray him as some kind of demigod that is an aw shucks, woe-is-me-victim who can do no wrong.

I still don't agree with you most of the time, but I can somewhat understand what you are saying about his NBA persona. Just like in WWE, John Cena, the character is hated, in real life he is well liked.
Iggy may have impacted how LBJ played, but LBJ set an NBA finals record leading everyone in points, assists and boards so the level of impact Iggy had on his game is questionable.