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I missed the last three games and all but most of the 4th of this one because of vacation but I'm glad I was able to catch the final minutes of game 7.....amazing end of the game :yess:
I'm so happy for that city, words can't describe it. They finally got a break, and in some of the most impossible odds to date. I don't see GS as choking at all cause it's not giving credit to what Cle did to fight back. GS is a hell of a team, best regular season team of all time.

kyrie irving should have won the mvp, just like he won tonight's game with that 3 point shot. :dunno

look at the entire series stats. It wouldn't bother me who won MVP, it doesn't really matter, but go look what Lebron did for the series as a whole
I missed the last three games and all but most of the 4th of this one because of vacation but I'm glad I was able to catch the final minutes of game 7.....amazing end of the game :yess:

I definitely would not call that amazing:lol I mean, there were a few plays that were noteworthy but overall, it was a sloppy, terrible game :lol
GS this is where perimeter shooting bites you in the ass. And not just in this game. Too much of a gamble.

This was Cleveland's time to I said, GS can still get more titles in the future with this core.

You got to be happy though for the guys that paid their dues with the Cavs. J.R. Smith, DellaD,

How sad for Varejow, though long time Cav and he is denied Cavs first title because he was on the opposite team