Trump should stop worrying about the NBA and NFL and focus more on North Korea![]()
and also stop antagonizing the little puke by calling him names
Trump should stop worrying about the NBA and NFL and focus more on North Korea![]()
because look at the childish things he says ALL the time. He deserves to be attacked for the stupid things he writes on social media. How come the leader of this country does not come out and be more vocal about the black on black crime? Trump has also not made one attempt to change the culture in this country at all. Nothing will change if the culture does not change and it starts at the top. From what I've seen over the years, athletes are the only ones putting in good effort to help the inner city youth in this country because many came from those situations.
So, back to basketball, Wade got bought out by Chi! If he goes to Cle, I hope he comes off the bench. He could give them a solid 15 minutes, nothing more. Maybe he'll join OKC though?
Typical. Everything that wasn't solved through total Democrat control for decades (Chicago), is now Trump's fault.Then why doesn't Trump do something about the black on black crime? He's the president of all the people isn't he?
You should probably read the news since he's been focused on it since he started running and very much since DRPK started saber-rattling again.Trump should stop worrying about the NBA and NFL and focus more on North Korea![]()
Literally five seconds spent on a simple search destroys your argument - come the leader of this country does not come out and be more vocal about the black on black crime?
Trump definitely is trying to change the culture of this country. Look at the number of crimes versus minorities since he’s been in office. Trump doesn’t seem to understand that white supremacists aren’t “fine people”, yet he’s happy to put athletes on blast as “sons of *******”. The more this president speaks, the worse our nation gets. I keep thinking he can’t lower the bar any more, but he finds a way.
I can’t honestly see how anyone can defend to moronic things he says. This is the new normal I guess.
Says they want to get re-elected.When congress has to pass a bill to make a president denounce hate groups because he can't says a lot about the president.
I just don’t think he’s a good fit for OKC at this point.
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Typical. Everything that wasn't solved through total Democrat control for decades (Chicago), is now Trump's fault.
You should probably read the news since he's been focused on it since he started running and very much since DRPK started saber-rattling again.
Literally five seconds spent on a simple search destroys your argument -
Honestly you aren't worth a response, seeing as your from California. You people live in your own world, unlike any other, where good is bad and bad is good. The truth is no matter what Trump does, hyper-partisans such as yourself, will never work with him or give him any credit. Have fun in la la land.
Simply Hilarious and another Californian. One has to be a special kind of willfully ignorant to believe anything you just wrote. Spend two minutes here - and you'll see over 300 documented fake hate crimes, and all of the big ones that were in the news. The thing is, with Trump haters/ideologues such as yourself, you will take information known to be false/fake and pass it off as true/factual. Tldr: you're disingenuous.
Trump calling racists, KKK, and Nazis, evil. Another ten second search you could have easily done -
I'm not surprised you guys are so uninformed and intellectually lazy, seeing as you come from the mecca of hardcore leftism. You exercise no critical thinking skills and just regurgitate the daily attacks that have been used ad nauseam on him and his supporters. We get it, you hate him.
Russia is a nothing burger
White supremacists aren't running the White House
Hate crimes aren't increasing
Trump can multi-task, meaning he can tweet and deal with world issues
Trump isn't a dictator or there would be no pathetically lame resistance
Trump isn't going to destroy the world
We survived Obama, you'll survive Trump
The NFL is full of people who work to help others out, right?
That's funny.
All I want is my atheletes to entertain that’s what their paid to do. Political views whichever way they lean doesn’t belong on the court / field etc. nor influence me whatsoever. Save it for your own time and just play ball....
Wade to the Cavs huh.......
Yea, I'm glad to be a Californian, so I can avoid as many political nuts like you as possible. Please DON'T respond to me anymore if you can't disagree without name calling and trying to force your hardcore trumpness views on people by degrading them. Sounds like a president I know of actually. "Hyper-partisan"? lol. Give me a break....
When congress has to pass a bill to make a president denounce hate groups because he can't says a lot about the president.
While the eventual outcome will be another Warriors championship, I have become intrigued with the season after all the moves etc.
Yea, I'm glad to be a Californian, so I can avoid as many political nuts like you as possible. Please DON'T respond to me anymore if you can't disagree without name calling and trying to force your hardcore trumpness views on people by degrading them. Sounds like a president I know of actually. "Hyper-partisan"? lol. Give me a break....
The thing he’s missing is that he’s a perfect example of how Trump is changing culture in America. People here are posting that being from California is bad, calling people names, etc. Who set the tone for these types of low level discussion? The president, who should be unifying a nation, not dividing it.
The Trump base loves his angry rhetoric. They will defend him no matter what. The bar keeps getting lower, with no end in sight. I am embarrassed by the president, and I am embarrassed as to how the rest of the world sees our nation with this man in office.
This is coming from a middle aged, educated, patriot, and white man from California. We need to unify as a nation and avoid the divisive rhetoric.
The guy trashing on Californians is a hypocrite, you want people to give trump a chance yet you just used a stereotype to define a whole state of people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and beliefs. This type of thought process is why people are protesting, stop using stereotypes to define groups of individuals that reside in the same geographical region, or who are of the same race, religion or creed. I just don’t get how any intellectual person could say that everyone who resides in California are clones of one another, forget free will and thought, forget about everything we know about genetics, DNA and the like- they are all the same... Is that how you really believe the world to be, that if one dog bites their owner, all dogs that live in that state or are of that breed are going to bite their owners thus they should all be put down and eradicated. Saying all Californians are bad people is no different than saying all white people are bad or all black people are bad, or that our current president is a fascist racist retard. Only siths deal in absolutes, the world isn't just black and white there are often morally grey areas-the solution usually lies in these grey areas between two extreme points of view. Trump is a rapidly becoming a toxic president, he says things on record that no other president in the history of our country would dare to say or get involved in. He is different than the normal politician which is his greatest strength, but it is also rapidly becoming his greatest weakness, he does not know when to just shut up and take the highroad. He is like Kevin Durant, he can’t enjoy the fact he just won the championship, he just can’t take the high road, he has to respond to everything, thereby giving the opponents he hates so much power in acknowledgement. If he just ignored half this ****, it would disappear but he cannot. He is like the bully at school that cannot let bygones be bygones when he feels some little freshman disrespected him because he had the audacity to walk down the same hallway as him.
For the record i dont agree with players protesting the flag or national anthems at games, its the wrong forum for such protests, not only that but they are protesting the wrong way. The flag is a symbol of unity and it honors those that faught to defend it along with all the liberties we are afforded living in this great country. It should be used as a symbol to bring us together as a people but instead its being targeted as a symbol to tear us apart and for that the players are dead wrong. They can have their football ill keep my flag, the red white and blue are colors i will always be proud of, cant say the same for the red white and gold team that spawned my nfl fandom
Politics iz serious business![]()
Yeah when affluent folks get peeved.....I haven’t heard a one of them talk about the declaration of war also a result of unfiltered comments....their too offended by being told they should be fired.... we got our priorities straight ��