Statue Gentle Giant: "Honey Trap" line

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Kevin Dart

Looks like he might be associated with the names you mentioned as they're linked on his blog.

It's Kevin Dart. I tired to post a link but I guess I don't have approval to post links... anyhow Google him. He's got a tumbler blog with the art. He must be affiliated with those companies you mentioned has he's got links to them on his blog.

Sorry for the delay...I didn't see it yesterday as I'm guessing the other mods in this forum missed it as well.
What's the typical lag time for GG in terms of revealing something at CC and then releasing a price point? I've got some other items in the wind that I'd like to pick up but would like to know what these will run.
If memory serves the sucker punch girls were previewed at sdcc, first girl went up for preorder in late September and delivered late the following August.
If memory serves the sucker punch girls were previewed at sdcc, first girl went up for preorder in late September and delivered late the following August.

Yes, somewhere in that time frame, I do recall the preorder was September, because that was around my B-Day, I can live within that time frame, But which one will be 1st?
by "respectable", you mean of course, any other fictional fantasy women in scantily clad outfit.

shaak ti? the one from phantom menace? and here i thought phantom menace and "respectable" do not belong in the same sentence.

since you're making a wild generalization about those who like these statues, let me make one about you as well:

1. you hate sexy women
2. you're gay(and there's nothing wrong with it)

artists from the renaissance to the present love sexy women. they love to draw them, to sculpt them, to write vivid descriptions about them, to imagine and dream about them. there's nothing wrong for artists to create dream women, just as there's nothing wrong for non-artist to enjoy, appreciate, and own such creations. man is man. owning this statue is no worse than having a nude painting hanging on your wall, or a playboy subsription, or browsing for porn, or oogling your cute classmate and co-worker. man is man. perversion has nothing to do with it.

the only stigma you'll get for having the sexy statues above is that you love sexy women; which is already a much better stigma than what you'll get by having any dc/marvel female statue around - you love sexy women too, but she must have cartoonish face, exaggerated body proportion, and wear colorful silly disco era spandex, a.k.a. you have a silly notion about women.

i'm happily married to a woman(neither deformed nor imaginary), been together for almost 10 years. and i do enjoy looking at victoria secrects models, i enjoy seeing nicole kidman naked on films, i enjoy watching porn, i enjoy sexy statues. what does that say?

:goodpost: Brilliant post! Surprising how Khev thinks only "desperate losers" would be interested in the Honey Pot girls, but he's a "success in life" because he chooses to load his house with statues of comic book chicks in spandex with gigantic ****s :cuckoo:
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:goodpost: Brilliant post! Surprising how Khev thinks only "desperate losers" would be interested in the Honey Pot girls, but he's a "success in life" because he chooses to load his house with statues of comic book chicks in spandex with gigantic ****s :cuckoo:

Yea, that whole argument was pretty much shot to pieces when he said Slave Leia was alright because Star Wars was an accepted "respected" film. Slave Leia is more scantly clad than any of these figures, she's portrayed as a slave (where's the respect for women there...) and to argue most people don't think of her in a sexual way when they see that image of her in the outfit is laughable. As far as science fiction goes slave Leia pretty much tops the list of sexual icons in movie history, every TV show or Youtube clip that has someone dressed up in that outfit is doing it for that reason, don't you think George Lucas knew what he was doing... The general argument can be valid but when you start making comparisons to things that really go against what you're arguing you've lost credibility.
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As long as they don't all start hitting at the same damn time ! :slap

I'd be surprised if that's an issue with this line. They don't appear to be that far along in the development. I really think they didn't expect to get as much interest as they have. I've been following the thread on these over at Statue Forum as one of the GG representatives has been posting over there and all he says when posed with basic questions regarding release and pricing is "soon". The fact that they're going an extra step and planning back-stories for all these (which I would assume will be established before they start selling them) and one of the figures was done just in time for comic con, and only recently was even put up on the Honey Trap site gives me reason to think they really don't have much in the way of details right now, but that they're still in a development stage. Hopefully I'm wrong, but they'd be better off releasing some information to keep people interested. Even teasers regarding their back-stories would be better than nothing, seems kinda risky to introduce a brand new homegrown line and then go silent on it.