Looks good definatley an improvemant on the original overalls.Saturday Toys put out some extremely nice flight suits a while back. Here's a picture of in progress Winston on a TTL body with a Saturday Toys jumpsuit and Newline jump boots. They are a words difference compared to the slipshod ones Matty uses:
This suit was actually lightened some with color remover and then subtly over dyed with pearl grey. The effect is subtle, but it doesn't really show here since the compact fluorescent lighting in my apartment makes everything appear kind of sallow and washed out.
Got the other two heads, but Egon's glasses were broken before I opened the box.
I'm looking into alternatives
Any suggestions?
I'm leaning towards the first one myself.
Awesome. Thanks for the info. Mando. Would basic acrylic paint work?
Thanks for the assist Mando. Got your pads today (they look fantastic!), so now I just need to wait for the elastic to show up!
Last night I sowed the Matty tubes onto my Soldier Story jumpsuits (cut a whole and pushed the tab through for the one I got from Winston). I'm digging how they are coming together.