Ghostbusters reboot with all-female leads

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I think it is kind of cool that they are making the logo ghost come to life but he should have become the new slimer

NOT one of the villains. the main villain is that demon thing, but the logo ghost should just be the new silly ghost

Slimer was one of the villians of the first movie though. lol Not the main one of course. Hopefully the upcoming trailer sheds some light on the plot.
he wasnt really a villain, he didnt want to hurt anyone, he just wanted to eat :lol i never thought of him as evil
he just happened to be one of their first cases

lol, fair enough, and valid point. Villian maybe was a little harsh.
Being serious for a minute, how does everyone think this will be received by the mass audience? I can't see the GB franchise breaking any records, never mind this 'reboot' version.
Apparently (thanks to the Funko listing) the 'ghostbuster ghost' is Rowan's ghost. Rowan is being played by Neil Casey (who I know nothing about...)

He's got that creep look down though so...


Details about Rowan are very hush-hush at the moment, but what little we know makes it sound like he may be similar to Gozer, the villain from the first Ghostbusters. Gozer was an ultra-powerful demon who was able to take on other forms and gather worshipers, until the Ghostbusters banished him back to his evil realm. Since Rowan might be gathering other bad guys to do his bidding, hopefully we'll get to see more of Slimer and/or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Ha! That teaser was awesome, at least visually it's going to look great, can't wait to see the full trailer.

Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk one is actually interested in giving this a shot eh?
I'll wait to hear the early feedback. If it isn't terrible, I'll probably check it out. My initial knee-jerk negative reaction has worn off, so I think I could enjoy the movie if it were worth enjoying.
I'm waiting for a full trailer to really make up my mind, but everything I've heard about the film thus far does not sound appealing.
"Rowan's Ghost"

They should have called him 'The Patriarchy'.
What turns me off, as I sit here thinking about this, is McCarthy's shrill voice. *shudder* And Leslie Jones? Really? It makes me feel really bad for the original actors who are making cameos, which is why I respect Rick Moranis even more.
Exactly. Leslie Jones is awful. She is not funny at all on SNL. All she does is yell and expect everyone to laugh at her. McCarthy's act has gotten old. I like Wiig and McKinnon looks geeky hot to me. But nothing I've read or seen is appealing to me whatsoever.
I don't have any hope for the trailer, nevernind the movie. The trailer will be the usual Bay style and they'll be a joke about them being girls in there somewhere.
I don't have any hope for the trailer, nevernind the movie. The trailer will be the usual Bay style and they'll be a joke about them being girls in there somewhere.

Oh god, I didn't think of that. You're going to be reminded about that over and over throughout the film I'd guess.

I guess McCarthy is going to have a sexual dream about food floating over her bed.
This movie reboot just looks bad the more stuff keeps coming out. I just cant. I want to support movies with female leads but not this one.
Actually I read some rumors that McCarthy is a really big Ghostbusters fan and there are a lot of arguments and fights between her and the director about how she wanted to make a really good movie and the script was really bad, so they had a lot of fights over the script.

Oh man I didn't know that. Geez I bet she regrets signing on. Geez
Actually I read some rumors that McCarthy is a really big Ghostbusters fan and there are a lot of arguments and fights between her and the director about how she wanted to make a really good movie and the script was really bad, so they had a lot of fights over the script.

Most certainly is.
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