Bill Murray is rolling over in his grave, and he ain't even dead yet - that's how bad this trailer was!
I'm sure her girlfriend appreciates that tongue, but I still don't want to see it in a Ghostbusters movie.
Pretty sure Bill Murray is making a cameo in this, and Im sure he doesn't care either. Is this even worth torrenting?
So out of place and stupid. Trying way to hard to be cool.
They've been leaving the racist/sexist comments up and deleting any comments containing legitimate criticism. I think Sony's gameplan here is to try and sculpt the narrative of this negative reaction to 'evil online misogynists' being behind it all.
If so, I hope it blows up in their faces, spectacularly. I was expecting this to be bad, but nothing on earth could have prepared me for that trailer. I legitimately hope this movie bankrupts Sony Pictures.
Nope. I'm not touchin' this one at all!Is this even worth torrenting?
I think that's exactly right. It's a bold move in a way, since the lazier way out would have been a Force Awakens-styled nostalgia-fest. Now, a nostalgic romp with old man Aykroyd leading a new crew while waxing nostalgic about his prior battle with Mr. Stay Puft could be really good and fun. But the filmmakers were pretty explicitly distancing themselves from the original. Not only in terms of casting, but the type of humor and general approach. As you say, we'll see.They're instead taking proton packs and Ray Parker Jr's theme song and putting them in the Bridesmaids universe. We'll see if that was a good move on Sony's part or not.
Then again, all the designs I've seen from this trainwreck look awful, has anyone else seen the sorry excuse for a ghost trap they unveiled?
I'm amazed so many have their claws out for it. They are a funny bunch of women, very much this generations sat night live team, just like the original.
I say lower expectations even further and try and have some fun with it, it's more in the league of The "real" ghostbusters cartoon than a remake.
Regardless of whether this film turns out to be entertaining or not I really don't think they can have it "both ways." Jurassic World and The Force Awakens were obviously nostalgia driven with modern day visuals but they still *felt* like they were a proper successor to the original films that could have been released just a few years after the originals.
This new Ghostbusters has some old school trappings yes but it still feels like another Bridesmaids/Tammy/Spy type movie. Seeing Han Solo interacting with Rey and BB-8 just seemed to fit. We're not seeing Melissa McCarthy "fitting in" to Ivan Reitman's universe. They're instead taking proton packs and Ray Parker Jr's theme song and putting them in the Bridesmaids universe. We'll see if that was a good move on Sony's part or not.
The issue is that Dan Akroyd isn't involved in the writing process. He's legitimately obsessed with the paranormal and ancient astronaut theory, something that leaks out of the original film constantly with how earnestly the paranormal aspects are presented - references to ancient Sumer, the Victorian phenomenon of ectoplasm, vapour apparitions, spirit catalogues, aura photography, etc are just thrown in matter-of-factly.
Ummm... Rory, is this a joke? Because if not I don't know what to think.I'm amazed so many have their claws out for it.
I say lower expectations even further and try and have some fun with it.
I'm in line with your way of thinking now, that I've had time to process the idea of a Ghosbusters reboot at all. I agree that this does seem to be a modern day SNL A-team. Unfortunately, the SNL of today ain't what it was 40 years ago by a long stretch.This can't touch the memory of the original, I mean it just can't. I watched it again recently and have been playing the OST since.
So I don't mind having a laugh at this (if it is indeed funny, the trailer wasn't).
I'm amazed so many have their claws out for it. They are a funny bunch of women, very much this generations sat night live team, just like the original.
I say lower expectations even further and try and have some fun with it, it's more in the league of The "real" ghostbusters cartoon than a remake.
I think Louis CK is probably the closest well-known parallel to a Bill Murray. He's got a weariness with the status quo that was always right below the surface with Murray. And of course, he is incredibly witty and sarcastic. Bateman is fantastic in Arrested Development, but he is an actor with good comedic instincts. Not a comedian who can act like Murray and Louie. And he doesn't embrace the absurdities of life in the way that Murray, or say, the Monty Python guys did.Yeah that's why I consider this "harmless" and potentially fun. Sure the comedy is slapsticky compared to Murray's dry straight man humor but you can't really do a "Bill Murray comedy" Murray as the lead.Adam Sandler isn't funny any more, Chris Farley is dead, the only options they really had were Melissa McCarthy, Seth Rogen, or Jonah Hill. And between those three we're in an era where ladies are getting their due so once again, I just don't have a problem with this movie as of now. Will I see it? Who knows. Have I watched Pixels? Nope.
Actually speaking of "straight man" comedy I kind of wish Jason Bateman was in this. He's the closest thing we have to that old school humor right now as he does seem to be the only successor to guys like Murray or Steve Martin in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. His play off of McCarthy in Identity Thief was hilarious.
I think that is definitely one reason why the original is as compelling as it is. Though that movie is exploding with humor and comedy, it is still done in a totally realistic and believable way. And that probably is Aykroyd's influence. Just compare that with another Reitman/Murray/Ramis movie in Stripes, and the tone is night and day (though both are brilliant films).The issue is that Dan Akroyd isn't involved in the writing process. He's legitimately obsessed with the paranormal and ancient astronaut theory, something that leaks out of the original film constantly with how earnestly the paranormal aspects are presented - references to ancient Sumer, the Victorian phenomenon of ectoplasm, vapour apparitions, spirit catalogues, aura photography, etc are just thrown in matter-of-factly.
Even the most ridiculous characters like Slimer and Stay-Puft are presented in a completely serious manner. The framing and pacing of their respective scenes wouldn't be out of place in a serious ghost film or a monster movie, respectively. What makes them, and everything else in the film, so funny and memorable is the dissonance between their inherent absurdity and the earnestness with which they're presented, and the manner in which the principal characters react to them. That's the true comedy of Ghostbusters, something which this reboot/remake/whatever seems to have no conception of - instead as far as can be gleaned from the trailer it's just two-dimensional comedy character archetypes placed in equally two-dimensional comedy scenarios.
Digression: horrifying thought - they usually put the best material they have into a film's trailer. If this is the best this movie has, what the hell does the worst look like?![]()
Yes the original was indeed one of a kind. But just to play devil's advocate (because yes, I do indeed realize that this new film could be utterly terrible...or not, who knows) think of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Such a perfect blend of action, humor, and the foreboding unease of just what the heck that ark was gonna do. In Temple of Doom the supernatural unease went right out the window in favor of more action, more humor, and gross out comedy/horror. After the monkey brains and heart ripping no one gave a crap about what those Shankara Stones could or couldn't do. But in spite of it being a less "respectable" film it was still good fun and many of us still love it to this day.
I think Louis CK is probably the closest well-known parallel to a Bill Murray.