Cool, thanks. How is Olaf's chainmail? Rubber or fabric? I had my eye on him.
Olaf's chainmail is rubber like the Timeline figures. Looking forward to everyones custom work!!
Cool, thanks. How is Olaf's chainmail? Rubber or fabric? I had my eye on him.
The TB Gimli was the best figure they did in the whole line. I do think the likeness is much better than DiD too - I'm pretty sure DiD didn't even try for likenesses. I really wish I could find mine - I have at least 2 TB Gimlis and 1 Did - somewhere.
Thanks Mudshark. I'm with you. Everything I have seen of the DiD Gimli suggest its better to me. How are the weapons?
Reference pics. Found these while not working.
The weapons are one of the best features of the entire figure. The 5 axes all have metal blades, real wooden hafts and are wrapped with leather material. The only thing not included is a pair of small throwing axes, but those shouldn't be too hard to scratch build. Someone here already did that and posted pics a while ago. I plan to do the same thing when I have the time.
I have the three armored figures from Dragon Models (Olaf the Viking, and both Lord Arnaut & De Kere from Timeline) and will post some reference pics of their chain mail hauberks here tomorrow. I can add some shots of DiD Gimli's weapons for ya, too.
I have the three armored figures from Dragon Models (Olaf the Viking, and both Lord Arnaut & De Kere from Timeline) and will post some reference pics of their chain mail hauberks here tomorrow. I can add some shots of DiD Gimli's weapons for ya, too.
Just secured my DiD Gimli today -- from the same person everyone has been getting their Gimlis from. She must have horded a lot of them.
Now all I need is some good chainmail and I can build the ULTIMATE GIMLI too.
Thanks for the pics.
I think you're right and that the DID body might have to be shortened a bit. The Toybiz sculpt is better, though a tad small, but the DID beard is better and longer. The boots and gauntlets are better on Toybiz as well, but again a bit small. Right now I'm planning on an altered DID base body - I might Frankenstein a True type instead, DID clothing and weapons, Toybiz helmet, altered Toybiz boots, armor, gauntlets and headsculpt along with the Timeline chainmail with everything repainted and weathered.
My plan too.
What do you mean by "altered TB boots"?
I got the DiD because the weapons are better quality (realy wood and metal) and the size is better ie Gandalf>Gimli>Frodo as opposed to the Gandalf>Frodo>Gimli you get on the TB one.