I hope you don't mind, Jason, I'd like to show off what you did against the DiD repaint.
Here's a comp of repaints so you can see what you can achieve:
Personally, I like the TB face WAY better to the DiD.
Although the beard is somewhat stylized and a bit short, I also think the TB sculpt is better in that you can see the braids and detail more clearly. DiD is more like a waterfall of hair without the knots and braids.
The sweeping style of the TB also looks like it will meld better with the style of beard that SS has given Gandalf -- less tangle and more texture detail.
Lastly, I believe Dave brought this up, the 'bucket' helmet on the DiD is too cylindrical -- whereas the TB removable helmet has a more accurate angled shape and just simply frames the face better. It's like the difference between the Fett helmets that people often argue about (the Marmit having no angled sides, just a straight 'bucket').
Anyway, ultimately, each to his own... with a repaint, they are both very solid and useable sculpts...which is great for us. Choices are always good.