That's pretty impressive - looks like a real person in that shot.
He's up for pre-order now -
Looks like a real person, but the real person it is suppose to represent? For frame of reference here is a picture of actor George Wallace from the timeframe he played Command Cody.
Like the Charlie Chaplin that was discussed earlier in this thread, this sculpt has some great detail and a nice paintjob, but the overall likeness is lacking. Shape of the head, hairline, distance between eyes, size and shape of jawline all seem off when compared to photos of Wallace. It may not make much of a difference on this release as more than one actor wore that suit and played that part. When you get into more iconic properties like Lost in Space I prefer the head actually look like the performers who played those parts, not some tricked out sculpt that kinda looks like the real person. I realize I am in the minority when it comes to priorities. I will likely pick this up at some point as it still looks like a great figure, if the production figure turns out anything like the prototype.