Super Freak
As a kid I use to pretend this was Rocketman.
I have Rocketman on DVD.Beautiful figure!
I love these old characters, even though I don't think I ever got to see any of these serials.
Great informative article.Talking of GI Joe / Action Man ...
Republic allegedly modelled their 'Rocket Man' on Bulletman:
That's Commando Cody in my list (Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe).
Wasn't the 1955 TV series just a repeat of the 1953 serial? When looking for DVD copies I can only find one version.
Freebies? Where did they mention freebies?
That would be good.
I just finished watching King of the Rocket Men. Tristram Coffin looked an unlikely action hero - he reminded me a bit of William Powell. (Now a William Powell, Myrna Loye and Asta set based on The Thin Man series would be a good project for Go Hero et al).
The prototype for this looks far better than any other figures they've released so far.
I was searching for pictures and information about the correct colour the rocket suit leather jacket should be.
In most of the promotional artwork for the various series, and at times when stills have been colourized, the jacket is brown. In the colourized version of Zombies it's also brown.
However, I just found this page
And from this site a photo of what I presume to be the original flying dummy:
So black, it seems, is how it should be.
On the first site quoted they also built their own 1/6 Rocket Man.
That's a great link because there's the original rocket suit!
Myself and George Commando Cody Wallace at an autograpgh show in 1997. I didn't know George was an attendee until I found a table with his name on it. He returned to his table and I spent most of the afternoon talking with him. I returned to the show on Sunday with helmets in hand. I gave one to George, he was very moved by the present and he carried it with him to any signing event he attended. December 2004 was a tribute to him at the Hollywwod Heritage Museum in Hollywood Ca.
That's a great link because there's the original rocket suit!
The new one looks a better quality than that old shiny, crinkly looking one.
But I know what you mean!
The description says "Leather", and if that's in line with every mention of "Metal", then maybe it is the real deal?