God Of War III

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And the Satyrs are indeed in it. I hate them. They are tough little bastards.

Its funny, there is a pic of them in the art book, but was starting to wonder if they got cut, so it was nice to see them when I did and yeah, they are tough!

I am glad I replayed Chains of Olympus right before GOW III; way more references to that than I thought there would be...
Just finished this - very impressive. Do wish it was a bit longer though - and I have to say the puzzles weren't too tough to figure out...but still a very enjoyable game.

I made sweet love to GOW III, I clocked in 12 hours or so. But I was searching for items and junk. What say you Jen, how long did you play?
I made sweet love to GOW III, I clocked in 12 hours or so. But I was searching for items and junk. What say you Jen, how long did you play?

A little over 10 hours. I'm missing one item. :( So I'll play through again and try to find it. I played on normal. I like to enjoy the game and pay attention to the story my first time through (without getting too frustrated). Button smasher games are the type that make me want to destroy my controller at times. :lol

Finished FF XIII before this and that took me about 64 hours...so this was a walk in the park. Played it in one day. :lol
I am about 9 hours in (but I am slow), just got thru the Garden maze, so hope I have a few more hours to go. Are the 'Godly' items the ones you aquire thru the game, like Hera's cup? Or are they different items. If so, I have not found any of those...LOL
I am about 9 hours in (but I am slow), just got thru the Garden maze, so hope I have a few more hours to go. Are the 'Godly' items the ones you aquire thru the game, like Hera's cup? Or are they different items. If so, I have not found any of those...LOL

The Godly items are ones you can find after beating a boss, i.e. Hades' helmet, Hermes' coin, etc etc.

I've only found the most obvious ones. I'm sure I missed a few. Now I'm playing again to find 'em all. Here are the locations, if you need them: https://wikicheats.gametrailers.com/index.php/God_of_War_III_-_PS3/Godly_Possessions (might contain boss order spoilers)
I am about 9 hours in (but I am slow), just got thru the Garden maze, so hope I have a few more hours to go. Are the 'Godly' items the ones you aquire thru the game, like Hera's cup? Or are they different items. If so, I have not found any of those...LOL

I'm missing one of the Godly items...though I'm not sure what it is...or where. :lol :eek: That's all that I know of that you can collect.

Ahhhh...after looking over that list, it was Hade's Helm that I was missing. Just finished killing him so now I can pick that up! :rock
Thanks, guys! Do you mean that a Godly item is found in/around a boss battle area? When I beat Hades (as one example), was there an item there? Sorry, being a dork.

I thought I remember there being a Godly item in the Gaia's heart level - I may be confusing that with another item! Dude, too many items - fun to find them though.
Thanks, guys! Do you mean that a Godly item is found in/around a boss battle area? When I beat Hades (as one example), was there an item there? Sorry, being a dork.

Check out that list - it tells you where you can find the items. Hades' helm is located at the bottom of the river. I've yet to get it though...I beat him and then needed to quit, so I'll pick it up when I play later.
Thanks, guys! Do you mean that a Godly item is found in/around a boss battle area? When I beat Hades (as one example), was there an item there? Sorry, being a dork.

I thought I remember there being a Godly item in the Gaia's heart level - I may be confusing that with another item! Dude, too many items - fun to find them though.

There was - Zeus' eagle.
Also, double jumping and gliding is so finnicky.

I thought it was just me, but I agree, the double jump / gliding seemed a little tricky. I died NUMEROUS times trying to jump across chasms. However, this weekend's update seemed to have rectify this glitch. I downloaded the update on Saturday and played for a short while, and to me the double jumps and glides were NOTICEABLY easier.

That's the good news. However, I was having difficulty playing GOWIII yesterday. I loaded up my saved game at the Aphrodite's Chamber level. The cinematic played, but the only sound I was getting was the background moaning. The subtitles showed Aphrodite's dialogue, but no spoken dialogue was heard. I went to quit the game and go to the main menu, but the game was stuck on the loading screen with the spinning omega icon. After a interminable wait, I had to switch off my PS3 manually via the switch on the back. Thereafter, I was having difficulty playing games. A few times I would put some games in, and the PS3 wouldn't read the disc. I finally got GOWIII to work, and played the Challenge of Olympus where you have to destroy all the urns. But I noticed everytime I failed the challenge and restarted, there was a noticeable pause between the screen where you choose to restart the challenge and the loading screen. And when In finally beat the challenge, when I hit "X" to go to the main menu, I encountered the same wait and had to shut off the PS3 manually again.

I'm wondering if this problem has something to do with the update, or if my launch 60 GB PS3 is on it's last legs. Anybody else had any issues?
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I just started this game on Saturday - and only one time did my game freeze up - I was using the head to find secret areas, jumped off a rock and it froze on me - that was my only problem though. Haven't encountered any other glitches or had the game freeze up on me again.

I have a launch PS3 as well (20 GB) and still have had no problems. *knock on wood* So for your sake, I hope it was just the game and not your PS3 - but like I said, I haven't encountered any real problems.
Although I have had no problem with God of War 3 myself, I think there will need too be a few Patches for some people to fully appreciate the Game
Just finished the game...took me 12 game hours and froze once.....still waiting to receive my Gamestop preorder code...why the heck they wait until you've beaten the game is beyond me
well just completed it, Zeus was a pain in the ass. highlight of the game for me was....

the battle with kronos
well just completed it, Zeus was a pain in the ass. highlight of the game for me was....

the battle with kronos

that one was a really good one, crazy detail when you were pulling off his nail, then stabing him in the head to kill him was wow moment.
clancy brown as hadies i think is spine tingling good

Excellent choice I agree with you

Though I think the most annoying voice in the game was

Hermes' voice, it was just plain annoying and irritating

Other than the I think all the Voice acting in the game was great

One of the other great Voice performances beside T.C Carson (Kratos) was

Rip Torn as Hephaestus