i like how ugly he is, i think they tried ver hard to make it as "real" as possible and i think they did a good job.. a big ugly fat looking monster. reminds me of a dinosaur all roided up or sumthin. IMO
plottin on my first monster arts big G, will be the 2000 ver i think. easiest to find and instock at sites i buy from.
If they were trying to make him real, then his feet would be larger. No way evolution would spit out something so massive
and give it tiny feet that wouldn't be able to hold up to the mass of the body, let alone balance,even with a tail. Essentially, he would become a stationary tri-pod and would be something that would die off very quickly.
So to me, that is a genetic design flaw. If realism was what they were going for, they fell short in that regard.
Maybe they spent to much working with that forward vestigial tail...

Not that he could ever scratch it if he had an itch. Those little arms would never reach...

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