Tomorrow Baby!!!!
Thank the maker that Bloodshot will no longer be the last film I saw in theaters
Thank the maker that Bloodshot will no longer be the last film I saw in theaters

Going to feel so weird going to a theater my first since Sonic lol
I?m super excited
Looks to be the best movie in this series which honestly is not saying much but lets see.
Going to feel so weird going to a theater my first since Sonic lol
I?m super excited
Looks to be the best movie in this series which honestly is not saying much but lets see.
Bad Boys For Life and Sonic were my last movies in a theater. Between the excitement to see this and the surrealism of sitting in a theater again, it?s going to be an emotional experience.
Timing, KOTM came out along with Endgame and other BO hits, this movie is coming at a time when theaters are just opening again really and new movies have been scarce and people are starving for a big screen theatrical experience and it seems like the perfect film for a big screen experience.
I thought KOTM was released after Endgame? At least a month if I’m not mistaken.
I didn’t mean to say it was direct competition, more pointing out it was a year loaded with popular movies and KOTM had to get really good buzz to pull its weight and it didn’t have that steam.
Not to say GvK won’t actually be better overall, but it’s helping the film and franchise that it’s coming at a time when movie goers are feeling a little “starved” for something new and good, looking to get out of their homes and looking to see movies in a theater again. It’s a perfect storm to do well in.
I lol?d when Kong got the magic axe