Loved the movie. I knew you guys wouldn?t like it
Oh I definitely enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean I didn't
laugh at the ridiculous parts. The entire story seemed decidedly Kong-centric though, which I found a bit surprising.
Loved the movie. I knew you guys wouldn?t like it
This made 14 look like a masterpiece!
Hands down the worst modern kaiju movie ever made
This is Transformers sequels level of bad
Moving right along. What can we end next?
JAWS is going to hate this lol
This made 14 look like a masterpiece!
Even KOTM is far far superior to this turd.
Hands down the worst modern kaiju movie ever made
Holy hell I can?t get over how abysmal this was.
This is Transformers sequels level of bad
MG reminded me of those horrible Transformers in Transformers 15!
The battles were not enough to save this turd.
This was 98 bad!
I?m going back to ZSJL **** this noise!
I?m sorry I really am but holy crap the monarch story in 14 was Lawrence of Arabia levels of sophisticated when compared to this cartoon.
The atomic breath was way over used it just meant nothing
That side mission into the earth and the villain holy crap that was bad lol
Godzilla had no gravitas all of his presence from the previous 2 movies was gone.
What did I just watch just wow lol
Loved the movie. I knew you guys wouldn?t like it
Who won?
I thought the monster action was better than the other Monsterverse Godzilla films, but the story wasn't so great and seemed overly complicated and all over the place.
I think the whole thing with them going to the hollow earth to get Kong's axe and let him sit in his throne for a little bit was convoluted and somewhat pointless.
I think a homage to the original 1974 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla with eco terrorist Tywin Lannister using the Ghidorah head to create a Mechagodzilla in disguise to destroy everything and make everybody think Godzilla had turned against humanity would be more simple and carry over from where we left off from the last movie. Then, you can have the military capturing Kong(against the wishes of Monarch perhaps) and taking him off of Skull Island so he can fight "Godzilla". Misunderstandings ensue. Some humans are on Kong's side, some are on Godzilla's side. That way, you can still keep both monsters as the heroes who have to defeat the big bad guy in the end, but you also give them a reason and opportunity to fight each other as well and you don't need the big Skull Island simulation dome thing.
I also think it was a mistake to kill off Dr. Shaw in the last movie. She could have been an advocate for Godzilla who would have a strong motivation to prove he was a force for good to honor the work of Dr. Serizawa in the previous films. I think that would have made a lot more sense than having Millie Bobby Brown and the Podcast guy doing their thing.
Also, I wasn't a big fan of the Mechagodzilla design. The one from Ready Player One was even better than this. All the Toho versions are far superior.
The battles in this carried no weight no purpose no meaning it was all just noise no matter the effects.
I’m not kidding 14 is majestic compared to this
KOTM battles served the characters.
Sure there were a few shots I liked but you can tell WB had zero passion for this movie it was really more transformers than Godzilla
Plot didn?t make much sense
Eleven?s plot was super dumb
Effects were fantastic
The colors were absolutely beautiful
Hollow earth really looked amazing.
Fights were well choreographed and super fun
Mechagodzilla didn?t look good - his arms were too long - but made sense as he could do more with long arms.
I liked some of the homages to previous films.
Overall it was very fun. I still thought G14 was the best, closely followed by Kong Skull island, then this. GKOTM was faaar behind all of these.