Blue Flame of the West/Mod
Re: Gollum PF available NOW!, Link to buy in 1st post...
Trickling down to 40...
Down to 50 left...
Trickling down to 40...
Down to 50 left...
Thank ya! It looks like Galadriel has shipped already.
I know it's 350 compared to 500 but 350 is the exclusive. There's a whole bunch more regular version. Gollum is only 500 total.
Wait, your username is The Ringer, and you're stumped on the Gollum contest?
pm me for a clue...
Now that SSC has received their 500 NRD's does that mean wait list orders that convert before the shipping date won't be required to pay one?
Did anyone do the math...
500 statues
x $30.00 NRD
$15,000.00 NRD
Remember that this calculation is only for the Gollum PF!
How much does that put into SS pocket for people that cancel?
Makes me think that not to many cancelations will happen.
Yes, the statue took longer to sell out. My hope is that they went to the people that really want it. I don't know how many times I have seen a statue sell out in minutes only to be back as a second chance once released. Even worse, end up on the secondary market forcing the true collector to pay a higher price to obtain it.
I for one like NRD.
Thank you SS![]()