I seem to be alone on this, but his left hand makes sense to me as it is.It looks like this left arm was meant to hold the lantern, but later on was abandoned. Guess we may never know the truth about the choice of his left arm.
I seem to be alone on this, but his left hand makes sense to me as it is.
It's a shame that 1/5 can now be considered PF.
It's 1:4 scale. It doesn't even look 1:5 scale.
From the pictures I've seen from comic con next to Superman this does not look remotely close to 1/4 scale. Definitely closer to 1/5. I'm normally a big fan of Tim Bruckners work. He is certainly in the top three sculptors working in this industry but there are a lot of things I'm not overly found of on this piece. The obscene looking abs and rib cage area and that Hal is looking downwards. If this is to be displayed with Sinistro he will have to be even lower.