Premium Format Green Lantern

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Product Size:
21" H (533.4mm) x 15" W (381mm) x 6" D (152.4mm)*

isnt it small in scale i mean 1/5 :cuckoo::monkey3

Doesn't sounds small to me. Based on SDCC pictures it has a smaller base then Batman/Superman explaining the H difference + he has no cape which will shrink the other dimensions.
Wow I just double checked the dimensions for the Batman PF and Jordan is 4 INCHES shorter. That is a bigger difference then I was expecting.
Yep, but, and I know this might be a noob question, but won't he look funny beside say Batman with such large difference?

Does the Venom Comiquette look funny beside the Spidey CQ? Just different poses and bases, I don't get what the big deal is. :)
Just take my word for it then. It doesn't matter as long as both statues are 1:4. ;-)
The only real aspect that bothers me about this statue is the pose of his left arm. maybe if it was lowered a little, like near his waist and the clenched fist was turned around. As it is, its kinda like he's airing out his armpits or he's gonna do a chicken dance.

It looks like this left arm was meant to hold the lantern, but later on was abandoned. Guess we may never know the truth about the choice of his left arm.

Still, a switch-out punch hand that lights up made it difficult for me to pass up the EX.