finished the game last night, amazing through and through.
I came across a spoiler about Michelle. I won't spill it here. PM me if you wanna know. I really wasn't all that surprised, but a little PO'ed that I read it w/o trying to find spoilers.
finished the game last night, amazing through and through.
so you can finally sleep now? jesus christ...
so you can finally sleep now? jesus christ...
well, it's official. i'm going out to buy a second copy of the game so Mrs. Mac can play too (she has her own 360).
i think she's tired of me telling her how badass this game is and wants to see for herself.
coolest wife, ever.
That's craziness. That's like two buddies of mine, who are brothers, they each have a Xbox and PS3 because they don't want to share......
that reminds me i was talking to Dark Artist last night about when us freaks were going to get together on the multiplayer
For those of you having crashing issues: try disabling PSN. I haven't been able to verify it, but reports across the internets seem to indicate that it works.
Still no fix for 360 version yet, but there seem to be fewer instances on the 360.