Guardians of the Galaxy

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It's a long shot and I've yet to see the new Apes film, but I'm hoping this one can beat out DOFP for movie of the summer for me. :rock
Especially with my man Michael Rooker playing Yondu, I'm sure it's a small role but it'll be good to see him on the big screen.
I'm glad Chris Pratt is having some success, I enjoyed him in the 5 Year Engagement and thought he would be good taking a lead role.

First Lego Movie, now Guardians, if this is the hit it's expected to be he will get a lot more job offers.
I really think this movie will do well. With the new apes movie doing well, this should make at lease $70 mil or more. This movie is going to be really fun I think.
Bautista's line made me laugh. Nothing goes over my head.... I would Catch it! Think has a lot to do with the way he said it. Anyway, the more I see of this the more I am really looking forward to catching the whole movie, if there is anything left that I havent seen by the time they release it.
They wonder why movie piracy exists... I live in Australia, and we don't get this film till the 7th of August.

I guess those stupid kangaroos mauled another 'movie bringer'. We only JUST got Titanic last year.
Why couldn't they share the door?!!!!!!!!