Guardians of the Galaxy

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11 days until I see this! Not watching anymore clips, spots etc.

Bring on Thanos! and hopefully a AoU sneak after the credits
Ahh that's awesome man. I've been in media blackout since the international trailer. I'm super psyched for it and really really hope that we can an Age of Ultron teaser included.
Ahh that's awesome man. I've been in media blackout since the international trailer. I'm super psyched for it and really really hope that we can an Age of Ultron teaser included.

Same, it came up when I was looking for a new wallpaper :lol trying to avoid anymore clips cause I've seen enough already to be hyped for this. I just love me some Thanos, he and Ultron are my all-time favorite comic book characters
Just got out of the press screening in my country.
Its a good movie but not as good as i hoped/could be :)
A good summer entertainment.
Press screening are weeks before the release.
I also saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes like that :)
Very nice sir. :)

Well, do you think in your opinion the HT groot and rocket exclusive will sell fast? I'm debating before i preorder it. Too much $$$ and orders. Thanku