Super Freak
Are you guys excited for a 9.2 on IGN? ..... That's cute
It's got a 100% on RT so far!!!

all you have to do is wave a dollar bill in front of them and they do what you ask
Are you guys excited for a 9.2 on IGN? ..... That's cute
It's got a 100% on RT so far!!!
So jealous right now....
in truth I wont see it in Imax, I'll have to stick with Odeon, its fine though,their showing it on the main screen, its usually next to empty, 4K projector and kicking sound
IGN huh! Internet Guessing Network
all you have to do is wave a dollar bill in front of them and they do what you ask
I'll make up for it by seeing it twice in 2 daysfirst in 3D mainly for the free gear (never been a big 3D fan) and premiere night
and then in 2D the next day
Reported for accusing a Marvel Studios film of sucking.I heard this movie sucks and Hasbro, Hot Toys and other licensees are scrambling to recoup their losses from the merchandise. Disney thought they could buy everyone's souls with a snazzy soundtrack? Well not me, NOT ME.
Reported for accusing a Marvel Studios film of sucking.
Ha, check out this picture. Vin Diesel is an awesome guy.
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Such a great cast. Too bad Bradley Cooper isn't in this picture.