Guardians of the Galaxy

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Batista isn't very good with the press. Been watching some YouTube with the cast and he looks so uncomfortable

I think that's to be expected, this is his first really big series or film, whereas all the others have had quite a bit of success in their chosen fields like Pratt with Parks and Rec or Diesel with the Fast and Furious series.

Batista's a youngling. :lol
I think that's to be expected, this is his first really big series or film, whereas all the others have had quite a bit of success in their chosen fields like Pratt with Parks and Rec or Diesel with the Fast and Furious series.

Batista's a youngling. :lol

and he's a quiet guy, he's really humble too, much respect for him :rock
I tho it was good overall, but still disappointed. Mostly cuz expected much more.
First act is a mess which ruins the narrative, even tho it catches up in the middle of the second one.
Action is eh, exciting brawls are too brief and boring CGI-chases on spaceships are too long.
Villains are underdeveloped.

Anyway, characters are awesome and the humor is top notch!
As badass as Avengers were, Guardians has much more spirit and soul.

Don't watch it in 3D if you can, there's almost none.


Do you think it will be a HUGE hit or just average...general audiences will soak it up?
:lol:rotfl:lol IGN huh! Internet Guessing Network

all you have to do is wave a dollar bill in front of them and they do what you ask

I don't give a ****** about IGN or RT..what a load of meaningless "surveys"..... I'm with you on that!
I heard this movie sucks and Hasbro, Hot Toys and other licensees are scrambling to recoup their losses from the merchandise. Disney thought they could buy everyone's souls with a snazzy soundtrack? Well not me, NOT ME.

I actually think you could be right for various reasons- the HYPE from fanboy fandom is playing this out to be the new STAR WARS ....really? It looks GOOD but alot of movies are good....I'm hoping for the best. I sense already a leaning toward making this seem better than it really is.
1 week to go for me...
It will make a **** ton from familys taking the kids along plus all the toys.

Yeah for the first week- but we'll see after that. The soundtrack had me hooked on the movie FAST..I hope it's more than the music to it...
A question for the couple of people on this thread that have managed to see this already...

I know it's rated PG-13, but is there anything in it too disturbing or innappropriate for a young child around the age of 6? My Daughter loves the talking Raccoon, and my Wife and I are considering taking her. If it's rated PG-13 for bloodless violence like people being shot with laser guns, we might make an exception to our nothing above PG rule.

The only movies she has seen above PG are portions of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, mostly the stuff with Gollum, she likes him for some reason, even does a pretty good, "My Precious" immitation.
Do you think it will be a HUGE hit or just average...general audiences will soak it up?
Kids will love it for sure.
Hell, I loved it for the characters and humor alone! Avengers sucks in comparison :lol

I know it's rated PG-13, but is there anything in it too disturbing or innappropriate for a young child around the age of 6? My Daughter loves the talking Raccoon, and my Wife and I are considering taking her. If it's rated PG-13 for bloodless violence like people being shot with laser guns, we might make an exception to our nothing above PG rule.
There's one sex joke.
Two scenes with people slowly gettin teared to pieces, but no blood...

LotR and Da Hobbot were much more brutal.
Still at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. I guess in the day and age of the internet critic this confirms it to be the best Marvel movie yet and one of the greatest movies ever...

I'll be seeing this on Friday! :rock
First CBM my daughter has ever wanted to see. Not even seen the movie and it's already a win. :clap
Hope this gets her hooked.
Great that its getting good reviews thus far, but its all in the eye of the beholder, really. There are plenty of movies where they got great reviews and I hated the movie, and vice versa. I personally can't wait for this. I think it looks great but for me personally I don't see it replacing Winter Soldier or Avengers or IM 1 as best Marvel movie thus far.