Guardians of the Galaxy

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Cofp....that my friend is stuff of LEGEND!
Your son will remember this day forever.
Kudos is nice to read stories like this then some of the whining that happens on these boards regarding figures.
Real life is soooo much better.
Went to the red carpet event in Hollywood tonight, what an amazing time. My Son got his Star-Lord helmet and blaster autographed by James Gunn, Michael Rooker, Zoe Saldana, Benicio Del Toro and Bradley Cooper (who by the way spent 10x more time with the fans than anyone else...that guy must have taken 100 selfies with people's cell phones, seriously).

When Del Toro signed his blaster, my Son told him "You can just add that to your collection".

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When Bradley Cooper was signing his blaster, my Son told him "that's a fake laugh" but I don't think he heard it or got it. I was so hoping he would have said "IT'S REAL!!"

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Anyway, we were down toward the end near where everyone was getting dropped off. They told us that there would be no more people coming so we headed over to where the theater entrance was. On the way in, James Gunn saw us again, HUGE grin on his face, stuck his hand out to shake my hand, and asked if he could get a photo with my Son. This was the highlight of our night. :)

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Thats awesome :clap
A couple coworkers were lucky enough to attend the premiere last night, both said it's the best Marvel movie they've seen yet, better than TWS from start to finish according to one of them :eek: General impression is that it's an entertaining and funny movie, and yep Rocket stole the show as to be expected :blissy
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A couple coworkers were lucky enough to attend the premiere last night, both said it's the best Marvel movie they've seen yet, better than TWS from start to finish according to one of them :eek: General impression is that it's an entertaining and funny movie, and yep Rocket stole the show as to be expected :blissy

THat's awesome. We were really hoping to get to see it last night too, but weren't asked inside. At the WS premiere some friends of mine went dressed as WS and BW, and they were asked if they wanted to see the movie. No such luck last night.
THat's awesome. We were really hoping to get to see it last night too, but weren't asked inside. At the WS premiere some friends of mine went dressed as WS and BW, and they were asked if they wanted to see the movie. No such luck last night.

I saw Gunn's pic with the lil Starlord on Facebook and I immediately assumed that was your son given all your posts from the last few weeks. Shame they didn't ask you guys to watch the movie, you'd think taking the trouble to build costumes from scratch for an unknown property would warrant some appreciation from the PR folks there.

Btw if it's any consolation, I was told they didn't show an after credits scene at the premiere last night, so that's a reason to just wait for Aug 1 assuming Marvel held off on showing it at the premiere :wink1:
Yeah it would have been amazing if that had happened. But, we already had an amazing night. And, I forgot to mention that they handed out the two disc CDs (one is the Awesome Remix Tape and the other is the musical score). So we got to listen to that all the way home.