On the contrary I disagree that we don't agree which is not unlike a double negative of a different sort.
Those were just little bones that Whedon threw to fans of the other characters. The portal didn't really matter because Stark caused every Chitauri to drop dead, Cap was only leader because Stark gave him permission, etc. Stark was clearly the head/spokesman of the team. He was the first to engage the alien invasion and the one to save the day at the end. Hell the team even follows his restaurant advice. Avengers was very entertaining but it clearly was Stark's movie.
You can also add the scene at Stark Tower where TS and Loki have their little war chat. That scene seems to portray TS as the leader, at least to me it does.
Yes to some degree but the hulk leader or not stole that movie, at the time cap was the rookie character as far as the movies are concerned, ironman came first and was more successful or more liked than cap, now after winter soldier it has to be different, they're going to have to throw the cap character disgracefully under the rug to give the team to stark, I don't see any other way, not after ironman 3, but I have the feeling they're gonna do the right thing, I think ultron is going to be the stand out character of this film though.Those were just little bones that Whedon threw to fans of the other characters. The portal didn't really matter because Stark caused every Chitauri to drop dead, Cap was only leader because Stark gave him permission, etc. Stark was clearly the head/spokesman of the team. He was the first to engage the alien invasion and the one to save the day at the end. Hell the team even follows his restaurant advice. Avengers was very entertaining but it clearly was Stark's movie.
Those were just little bones that Whedon threw to fans of the other characters. The portal didn't really matter because Stark caused every Chitauri to drop dead, Cap was only leader because Stark gave him permission, etc. Stark was clearly the head/spokesman of the team. He was the first to engage the alien invasion and the one to save the day at the end. Hell the team even follows his restaurant advice. Avengers was very entertaining but it clearly was Stark's movie.
Absolutely. To recap:
1. Iron Man ended the Stuttgart conflict by knocking Loki on his ass.
2. Iron Man saved the Helicarrier
3. Iron Man killed 90% of all alien invaders.
Cap couldn't even take out one piddly little fodder guy on the helicarrier until IM came and rescued him.
Oh yeah, with regard to dialogue half of IM's lines were funny comments that made the audience laugh at one of the other team members.
On the contrary I disagree that we don't agree which is not unlike a double negative of a different sort.
Good point Ondi, I suppose the only comparison from my standpoint was which would you prefer if having to order them.
Steelbook came back up on Best Buy, and in the five minutes it took me to get my wallet it sold out again.
I almost choked when I saw Kim Jong Un crossed off with the whole Sony thing.
Me too, that was well played James Gunn