Guardians of the Galaxy

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The bottom line, is the bottom line. Marvel (Disney) is going to invest a lot of money into a film that no one has ever heard of. They are going to tie it in as closely as possible to ensure the existing audience base will show up. I think Marvel has learned a lot while doing these films on how to make them successful and at the same time, changed the way superhero films are seen.
The problem with your examples is you neglect the reasons why those movies were even seen in the first place.

Blade had Wesley Snipes. A fairly popular actor at the time. And Pirates of the Caribbean...which had Johnny Depp, a pretty damn popular actor at that time. (Not quite as famous as he became afterwards, but he was a selling point).

Cast, and brand recognition.
I think it's partly The recognition of The actor, and partly the Job he did. Depp MADE that movie, he stole the show. He was the supporting character in the first film. Legolass Greenleaf was the "main" character, not Sparrow and Barbossa... yet they become the main characters in the series AFTER the first film becomes a mega hit.

Same guy who made Pirates Made Prince of persia, and it was more or less a flop... becuase there was no Jack sparrowish character, with an acting job to back it up to help move the plot, and capture the imagination of the auidence.

NOW Depp is a movie superstar more than he ever has been before, and it's BECUASE of the job he did in the Pirates film. I think that He alone will also carry The Lone Ranger, but this time it will be becuase he's in it first, and the talent he brings to the role second. Where as with pirates, it was the other way around.

I mean, there are people who went to see Sweeny todd Based soly on what they saw depp do in Pirates.

You and your trailer crusade. Considering most people find it a nuance and would rather not go through watching them.

It varies. My wife and I will get our tickets refunded and go to a later showing if we miss the trailers. a good deal of my friends are the same way. the car and soda comercials WE can live without, but not the trailers.
It doesn't matter if Sparrow was the main character or not. He was the star of the movie, and the focal point of the poster.
It doesn't matter if Sparrow was the main character or not. He was the star of the movie, and the focal point of the poster.

Umm... this is theposter that hung outside my theatre for the YEAR before the movie came out, and for the first month the movie was showing.


there was also this one.


after the first month or so, they swapped out to these posters, which are the ones MOST people remember.


THAT one is also the Cover of the DVD. but it came later.

there is NO question that Depp was the star of the show, once you saw it. He brought things to the role that scared the disney company at first, and allmost got himself fired. It's also sad( but i don't know if it's true) that he re-wrote some of the character, and ad-libbed quite a bit.


When writing the screenplay for The Curse of the Black Pearl, Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio envisioned Jack Sparrow as a supporting character, citing Bugs Bunny and Groucho Marx as influences.[8] The producers saw him as a young Burt Lancaster.[2] Director Gore Verbinski admitted, "The first film was a movie, and then Jack was put into it almost. He doesn't have the obligations of the plot in the same ways that the other characters have. He meanders his way through, and he kind of affects everybody else."[9] Sparrow represents an ethical pirate, with Captain Barbossa as his corrupt foil.[8] His true motives usually remain masked, and whether he is honorable or evil depends on the audience's perspective.[10] This acts as part of Will Turner's arc, in which Sparrow tells him a pirate can be a good man, like his father

Jacke BECAME the star, he didn't start as it.
Looks like Johnny got the top billing. And is the focal point of the poster everyone remembers.

So. Depp's the star.
He literally has top billing dude. He's literally the focal point of the poster.

He is not the MAIN character. That's true. But he is the star. I don't see why that's so hard. Whomever is billed the first, and focused on the most in the marketing is the star of the picture.


I don't know why you're arguing with me on this. :lol
I think we're BOTH arguing two different points.

Your point : Depp was the highest paid actor, ( & likely becuase he was the highest paid actor)recived top billing, and is the star of the show.

My point: Depp signed on to play a supporting character, not the main character, and completely stole the show from the main character ( orlando bloom) with the Job he brought to the screen.

Also, what he did with Jack sparrow has set a new bar of talent that people NOW expect from him, and go to see films with him in it that they might not have gont to see before becuase of that.

Depp has always been a great actor, but Pirates got him more exposure, BECUASE it had a general larger target auidence than films such as edward scissorhands, or fear and loathing.
The problem with your examples is you neglect the reasons why those movies were even seen in the first place.

Blade had Wesley Snipes. A fairly popular actor at the time. And Pirates of the Caribbean...which had Johnny Depp, a pretty damn popular actor at that time. (Not quite as famous as he became afterwards, but he was a selling point).

Cast, and brand recognition.

I agree on the cast. Though Wesley Snipes at the time didn't have a great track record as the headline star and most of his movies back then he was paired with a proven celebrity. Robert De Niro, Sean Connery, Tommy Lee Jones, etc.

Johnny Depp was just starting to get out of doing "cult" films and unique roles around the time of Pirates. He had just done Sleepy Hollow, Blow and Once upon a Time in Mexico. Pirates put him over the top. People I think expected him to do well, but not as awesome as did as Sparrow.

Brand depends. Casual people I think know the Pirates of the Caribbean ride over who and where Blade came from. When Blade first came out even I had forgotten it was about the comic book character.

If Blade had NEVER come out, I would put it on the same level of brand recognition as Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe even put GotG even lower since it's just recently that Marvel has put focus on these characters (within the past ten years).

Maybe there's a big name casting that has not been announced yet. Who knows.

Are you saying that this movie needs a big time movie star to really give it some better credentials and taken more seriously?

And real quick...I said it doesn't matter who's the main character and who isn't. It's about who's more famous. Depp was more famous at the time then anyone in the cast. Maybe sans Geoffery Rush. Hence why, he is the star of the film. Not the main character. They aren't quite the same thing. Although they probably should be.
Arnold Schwarzenegger got top billing for Batman & Robin, right? Even though Mr. Freeze was not the main character and did not have the most screen time, Arnie was the star of the show and received top billing for his supporting role.
Is there casting news on who will play the voice of Thanos?

Perhaps we'll see Silver Surfer in GotG?

Big star as Quasar or Nova?

We can dream.