Guardians of the Galaxy

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Seeing as you're from the UK, you're obviously not familiar with the American classic holiday movie the quote I borrowed is from. :)
I'm not arguing the levels of offense of dirty words. I was making a joke based on a line from the movie "A Christmas Story" and it seems to have failed miserably.
Carry on. :)

No, I've seen it, I was just commenting on what I thought was the best swear word :lol

But I have to ask, what does being from the UK have to do with... :lol
I don't know how much appeal classic Americana has outside the country, even with a movie like that. Mix that with the direction your response went, it seemed to indicate you were unfamiliar with it. :D
Yeah, good point. He probably doesn't want to violate the Verbal Morality Statute.

The trailer is so good, we hardly have anything to criticize so we got scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Seriously, normally we would be arguing over costumes, casting, boring/too much action, revealing too much, too much Nolan, not enough Nolan... this time there was none of that

And I can't argue about your comments either. :exactly: :wink1:
This ones here's our booty!!! I hate to admit it but looks like gotg will win August from tmnt. To think I thought this movie looked like utter garbage but then I saw the trailer and love how unique it is. Tmnt better move it's date to dec.
The trailer is so good, we hardly have anything to criticize so we got scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Seriously, normally we would be arguing over costumes, casting, boring/too much action, revealing too much, too much Nolan, not enough Nolan... this time there was none of that.

no one is complaining because not a lot of people are huge fans.
Honestly to most people this is just a movie, (Meaning there is no comparing to the source material or any of that) I think if people were more into this group of heroes there would be more arguments. It is not like Batman or superman where Everyone knows them.

Having said that the movie does look really good. Just that for a lot of us this almost feels like an original movie and not an adaptation. So the trailer is being accepted at face value
no one is complaining because not a lot of people are huge fans.
Honestly to most people this is just a movie, (Meaning there is no comparing to the source material or any of that) I think if people were more into this group of heroes there would be more arguments. It is not like Batman or superman where Everyone knows them.

Having said that the movie does look really good. Just that for a lot of us this almost feels like an original movie and not an adaptation. So the trailer is being accepted at face value

True, my knowledge of most of these characters comes from them as solo acts, not as this modern incarnation of the Guardians. The only name I've seen from the old team I'm familiar with is Yondu, who I see was cast as Michael Rooker, but he doesn't actually seem to be part of the team.

It does make everything easier to digest, but even then, its hard to argue with CGI raccoon and tree casting. I mean, what are we going to argue about, that if a Raccoon could talk he wouldn't sound like Bradley Cooper? :lol

For those not familiar with the old 70s team, heres what I thought of the first time I heard they were making a movie. This is one case where their reinvention seems much better than the originals:
True, my knowledge of most of these characters comes from them as solo acts, not as this modern incarnation of the Guardians. The only name I've seen from the old team I'm familiar with is Yondu, who I see was cast as Michael Rooker, but he doesn't actually seem to be part of the team.

It does make everything easier to digest, but even then, its hard to argue with CGI raccoon and tree casting. I mean, what are we going to argue about, that if a Raccoon could talk he wouldn't sound like Bradley Cooper? :lol

For those not familiar with the old 70s team, heres what I thought of the first time I heard they were making a movie. This is one case where their reinvention seems much better than the originals:

As they said in the trailer... What... the... h.......
It's not that Batista looks like a raccoon, it's that he can make anyone look like a raccoon.