Guardians of the Galaxy

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Dont worry about that cartoon. Its all kinds of stupid. They made green goblin venom so I wouldnt take anything that show says seriously.

Oxymoronic. You're defending a storyline that turned Rhino into a Bayformer, Electro into Mr. Freeze and is set to make Goblin the Incredible Hulk. :lol

Oxymoronic. You're defending a storyline that turned Rhino into a Bayformer, Electro into Mr. Freeze and is set to make Goblin the Incredible Hulk. :lol


The hell are you talking about this time? Electro and rhino are ultimate inspired. It was never confirmed goblin will be ultimate.
Ultimate Rhino is not Aleksei.
R.H.I.N.O. is exosuit, not mech.

Ultimate Dillon is white.
Ultimate Dillon is a criminal.
Ultimate Electro has black costume in his pre-doctormanhathan stage only.


Continue to rely on Ultimate characters as a defence against stupid in Amazing SM. Please.

O wow your right. Nope doesnt look like ASM electro at all


A mech controlled by a guy inside just like..... OMG... TASM2 film.

Anyway...... enough with the derail. Back to GOTG.
So Electro's black in the Ultimates? And you clearly don't know what a Mech is. :rotfl

Look I dont feel like derailing this thread with your childish arguments. If you wanna whine about spiderman then do it in the usual place. Stop always crying to me about spiderman everytime I enter a thread just to start a stupid argument.
Look I dont feel like derailing this thread with your childish arguments. If you wanna whine about spiderman then do it in the usual place. Stop always crying to me about spiderman everytime I enter a thread just to start a stupid argument.

Thats what you get for answering my question. :lol
Look I dont feel like derailing this thread with your childish arguments. If you wanna whine about spiderman then do it in the usual place. Stop always crying to me about spiderman everytime I enter a thread just to start a stupid argument.

I just think your double standard's highly absurd. That's all. Apparently others agree with me. :lol
I just think your double standard's highly absurd. That's all. Apparently others agree with me. :lol

What? one guy? Sure ok. I think your constant *****ing is highly absurd but you dont see me following you around in every thread now do I? Nope.
Look I dont feel like derailing this thread with your childish arguments. If you wanna whine about spiderman then do it in the usual place. Stop always crying to me about spiderman everytime I enter a thread just to start a stupid argument.

This is why nam is on my ignore list. Sucks cause I can still see his posts when people quote them:slap
You're defending a storyline that...

Other than being descriptively wrong about every one of those characters with highly in-accurate comparisons, you call out Wez for Defending ASM2 when he never mentioned the movie. He only mentioned the cartoon.

This is why nam is on my ignore list. Sucks cause I can still see his posts when people quote them :slap

:lecture :lecture :exactly: :(
How come in the Avengers thread, theres no non stop crying about all the liberties Marvel is taking with their franchise? Did anyone see what they did to the Mandarin, Justin Hammer, Bucky Barnes etc…

The pics that Wez put up look pretty damn close to what we’re getting in the film. Webb’s universe takes from both, Ultimate and 616 and take liberties, just like the Marvel Studios films do. Why is it only okay when Marvel Studios does it?
How come in the Avengers thread, theres no non stop crying about all the liberties Marvel is taking with their franchise? Did anyone see what they did to the Mandarin, Justin Hammer, Bucky Barnes etc…

The pics that Wez put up look pretty damn close to what we’re getting in the film. Webb’s universe takes from both, Ultimate and 616 and take liberties, just like the Marvel Studios films do. Why is it only okay when Marvel Studios does it?

We embrace them as the mistakes they are and fully admit some suck (90% of The Incredible Hulk, IM2's flamboyant story, Cap's helmet/Phantom Menace ending in Avengers). We don't defend them as cinematic genius and troll those who disagree as if they're making heritical rants on the alter of your church. :lecture:lecture:lecture
We embrace them as the mistakes they are and fully admit some suck (90% of The Incredible Hulk, IM2's flamboyant story, Cap's helmet/Phantom Menace ending in Avengers). We don't defend them as cinematic genius and troll those who disagree as if they're making heritical rants on the alter of your church. :lecture:lecture:lecture
Nor has anyone about X-men or ASM.
Some need to learn that just because some do not hate something doesn't mean they think it's perfect or genius.

Defense is not necessary if something isn't being constantly attacked, which some do ad nauseum for the Nth repeated time.

Why is it only okay when Marvel Studios does it?

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