I give up trying. People are turning a blind eye. Greece is bankrupt. They are now in the process of stopping social programs just so they can get a bailout. Other countries are soon to follow. All of the troubles they are facing is because of their socialist programs. And that is exactly where we are heading.
Our debt load is getting so high that Russia and China have considered starting a new monetary unit instead of using the dollar. There has even been talk of the US losing it's triple AAA credit rating. Yet our government is trying to make us just like Europe. Any improvement people think they see in the economy is all smoke and mirrors.
I just moved 75% of my 401k out of stocks and into a more "safe"
fixed-income (i.e. cash) after today's scare. I know, I know, bad idea to sell when market crashed, but it recovered mostly and I'm not going through the hell that I went through back in 2008. However, I'm not sure how much sustainability the US Dollar has anymore, since we just keep printing more and more out.
I was talking about doing it last week, wish I had actually done it then.
I just don't see how the market and the economy can last for much longer when we aren't producing much of anything. We just keep borrowing and borrowing... and a big part of that is to fund all of these social programs, be it wellfare, now healthcare, now a government-backed financial aid system, General Motors, General Electric, etc. etc. etc. That's part of the reason why 70% of Arizona is so pissed off right now. There are illegals entering the state by the thousands EVERY DAY. I hear it on the radio on the drive into work EVERY MORNING. "Another drop house busted where 50 undocumented workers were found locked in a back bedroom, coyotes got away." Who the hell do people think pays for all the social programs that they sign up for once they get established here? It's certainly not them as they are not paying back into the system through any sort of income tax. Arizona is now fighting bankruptcy, and it's not because of irresponsible government spending like is happening at a national level. Arizona is mostly a fiscally responsible conservative state. It's more that there are so many people applying for these social programs that is completely draining the state. Just watch the backlash happen when they start to get cut, which the programs are starting to be cut now. That's the reason for the riots in Greece right now. It's citizens now feel entitled to the free handouts that the government was providing, and now that they are being forced to cut back, the population is revolting. It's unfortunate, but that's what you do when you are broke. Not spend more, but cut the spending and try to get out of debt. I don't understand what is so hard for our elected officials to understand about this.
Back on topic, Notice how the ACLU hasn't said diddly squat about this suspension of students for wearing their own countries flag in their own country? Seems a little unconstitutional to me, stepping on these kids right to FREE SPEECH.
But I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that if one of these students was prevented from wearing a Mexican flag on their shirt, the ACLU would jump all over that like stink on ____. Hell, the ACLU would probably also defend any of these students right to burn the American flag if they felt so inclined. But to simply wear an American flag, that's for some reason banned because it may incite riots.
It's disgusting and utterly sickening how un-American our country has become. You like that word Kuzeh?
UNAMERICAN. What else would you call this decision? Preventing an American from demonstrating their patriotism to America. Our American ancestors who helped build and shape this country would weep if they were to see what's happening today.
Or am I being too paranoid?