Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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Concept art for the sequel:

I look at the toys coming out of the monsters, I look at pictures of the monsters online,

And I still wonder, why did they have to look so boring? Why couldn't they be colorful?
Why didn't they have better color on their skin? The designs are kind of cool but they all looked like this weird grey bug with blue lines on it.

I don't know, Guillermo has such a good eye for creature making and these monsters are pretty boring looking. I really don't understand why they didn't make them look different from each other as far as their skin and colors go.

I need to watch the movie again because they all looked the same, they all look like each other.
the final battle was a complete mess for me, I have no idea what monster was doing what, who was attacking who. It felt like the same monster was attacking the robots over and over.
I look at the toys coming out of the monsters, I look at pictures of the monsters online,

And I still wonder, why did they have to look so boring? Why couldn't they be colorful?
Why didn't they have better color on their skin? The designs are kind of cool but they all looked like this weird grey bug with blue lines on it.

I don't know, Guillermo has such a good eye for creature making and these monsters are pretty boring looking. I really don't understand why they didn't make them look different from each other as far as their skin and colors go.

I need to watch the movie again because they all looked the same, they all look like each other.
the final battle was a complete mess for me, I have no idea what monster was doing what, who was attacking who. It felt like the same monster was attacking the robots over and over.

What did you want them to look like, Fruit stripe gum colors?, have name tags?...cmon man
I really liked the designs of the Kaiju. Especially Otachi and Slattern.

I mean, the designs are cool, but the skin and the grey color is so boring. I would love to read or see a video where Guillermo explains why the monsters are so boring looking when it comes to their appearance.
I look at the toys coming out of the monsters, I look at pictures of the monsters online,

And I still wonder, why did they have to look so boring? Why couldn't they be colorful?
Why didn't they have better color on their skin? The designs are kind of cool but they all looked like this weird grey bug with blue lines on it.

I don't know, Guillermo has such a good eye for creature making and these monsters are pretty boring looking. I really don't understand why they didn't make them look different from each other as far as their skin and colors go.

I need to watch the movie again because they all looked the same, they all look like each other.
the final battle was a complete mess for me, I have no idea what monster was doing what, who was attacking who. It felt like the same monster was attacking the robots over and over.

You really need to watch this movie again, each Kaiju is COMPLETELY different from each other and you can tell just by watching the movie, despite the "rain and darkness" some people whine about... :dunno









What did you want them to look like, Fruit stripe gum colors?, have name tags?...cmon man

I mean, the designs are cool, but the skin and the grey color is so boring. I would love to read or see a video where Guillermo explains why the monsters are so boring looking when it comes to their appearance.

I don't know about boring, agree to disagree on that...but the skin color can be explained with the info from the movie itself. Since they're all "clones" made from the same production line/designers...what have you. It makes sense that they would all share similar traits and features. Which is why you see similar skin tones an the colored lines etc...
The biggest baddest one Category 6 King Jye...GDT ran out of money...the studio could not afford the gold, otherwise it wouldve been in the film:lecture:exactly:
.................They couldve fought these happy with what we had...I bet Jye still has his Sea Monkeys