Well, I mean, let's face it. Blackmask isn't exactly normal, is he?
ha, that's funny... coming from a guy that dresses up like a bat...
Blackmask hates everything and everyone? that's news even to me

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Well, I mean, let's face it. Blackmask isn't exactly normal, is he?
Even though I made it, that's my favorite part.![]()
I want to turn it into a meme.
how the dual Jaeger pilot approach came to be... it's pretty brutal, but also very personal.
They show the consequences of being a pilot, and how it affects them both physically and mentally... as well as emotionally... really kick *** concept here
anybody read the PR Tales from Year Zero graphic novel?
I just got it yesterday and read the whole thing...
I gotta say, if the movie is anything along the lines of the novel, this should be a VERY interesting character movie... not just mindless mayhem!!
I won't spoil it but basically it explores the origin of the Jaeger program, and how it affected the lives of a lot of people in a VERY personal way!
It actually reminded me a bit to The Host, but with a more serious tone, not as lighthearted...
We also see
I strongly recommend you guys check it out... it really sets the rules and ground for the movie! With that said, I cannot wait for it!! Just 2 more weeks!!!!!
My LCS ordered me one, I am going by there tomorrow to pick up books. Glad to hear someone enjoyed it. i am really looking forward to this film, and want to know as much about the story and setup as possible.
Are the film characters in the graphic novel?
Yes we learn a lot about Stacker Pentecost's story (Idris Elba) and Raleigh Becket's (Charlie Hunnam) and a little bit of Mako Mori's (Rinko Kikuchi) but also a lot about the characters that started the program.
Great read!