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anybody watching Top Shot on the History Channel?

i normally don't watch reality shows but this one is pretty cool. :)

I am watching it...and hoping for more. After one episode (have the second recorded, but have not watched it, yet), the level of disappointment I am experiencing is profound.

Come on...the best shots in the world shooting at 50 yard targets? One of them can't find a 100 yard target in a spotting scope? The 22-year-old's pathetic attempt to school 20+ year vets on sighting in a rifle?

So far, I am ashamed.

I am also thinking that even if the producers are intentionally messing up the sight dope on the rifles, even good shooters, not to mention some that are supposedly picked for their abilities, should be able to spot by eye at 50 and 100 yards well enough to hit a 12" bullseye.

I am not giving up on it yet as it does have some coolness. But if they don't get to some real ability-testing competition soon, I am afraid my ADD will move me on to other things that will keep me interested for 30 minutes or so.


Edit - I also find it interesting that they all but shoot each other in effigy (the only saving grace being that the paddles are not made to look like the victim, but they still have their names on them) to vote each other off the team.
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I own a STAG Tactical Carbine. I agree, when push comes to shove I'll take an AR ANY DAY over an AK. The AK is awesome without a doubt, and I will own one eventually. The malfunction issues are somewhat true for ARs, but if you perform regular PM it will work great. When I went to Basic training in the late 80s, we used M16-A1s that were probably older than us recruits and they performed wonderfully. That AR with the Wood furniture looks awesome! Is it a Colt?
That AR with the Wood furniture looks awesome! Is it a Colt?

I wish. No, it's a DPMS 16' Lite with a removable carry-handle.

I almost bought me a Peacemaker clone, today... An Uberti... but I didn't like the action on it. Glad I held off, I may end up ordering a top-breaking Schofield clone, instead.
I finally got a chance to take some pictures of the knife that my Uncle made for me years ago. It's pretty nice, and certainly intimidating should I ever have to use it.



I own a STAG Tactical Carbine. I agree, when push comes to shove I'll take an AR ANY DAY over an AK. The AK is awesome without a doubt, and I will own one eventually. The malfunction issues are somewhat true for ARs, but if you perform regular PM it will work great. When I went to Basic training in the late 80s, we used M16-A1s that were probably older than us recruits and they performed wonderfully. That AR with the Wood furniture looks awesome! Is it a Colt?

i am so jealous of you guys and your machine guns. can't have those here.:mad:
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i am so jealous of you guys and your machine guns. cant have those here.:mad:

You can't even have pictures of them. :(

I dated a girl in college from Ontario and she visited my family and we took pictures of us on the John Deere tractor and she was holding an automatic "Tommy Gun" and I had an HK-92, just a bunch of pictures with various weapons since it was her first time that far south, we made kind of a joke about it. We mailed them to her parents in Ontario and they freaked out big time, they were so scared the police were going to bust in their house, something about having pictures of the weapons, etc.
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You can't even have pictures of them. :(

I dated a girl in college from Ontario and she visited my family and we took pictures of us on the John Deere tractor and she was holding an automatic "Tommy Gun" and I had an HK-92, just a bunch of pictures with various weapons since it was her first time that far south, we made kind of a joke about it. We mailed them to her parents in Ontario and they freaked out big time, they were so scared the police were going to bust in their house, something about having pictures of the weapons, etc.

:lol well actually we can buy m4s and stuff, but they are restricted and can only fire them at shooting ranges. not in the woods or at my cabin, so its not as much fun, and pointless if you can only shoot them there. l have to settle for the 1/6 versions. the semi auto rifles we do have all the mags are pinned to 5 rounds, so no 30 rounds mags here. though at the end of the year i am getting a ruger minni 30 or russian sks, but all the mags for those are pinned to 5 round only. l need a buddy in the states to buy the 30 round mags for me and l would drive down and pick them up and smuggle them across the boarder so l can shoot 30 rounds as fast as l can pull the trigger back here in Canada. interested in helping a brother out. :lol
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:lol well actually we can buy m4s and stuff but they are restricted and can only fire them at shooting ranges and not in the woods or at my cabin. so its not as much fun, and pointless if you can only shoot them l have to settle for the 1/6 versions. the semi auto rifles we do have all the mags are pinned to 5 rounds so no 30 rounds mags here. though at the end of the year i am getting a ruger minni 30 or russian sks, but all the mags for those are pinned to 5 round only. so l need a buddy in the states to buy the 30 round mags for me and l would drive down and pick them up and smuggle them across the boarder so l can shoot 30 rounds as fast as l can pull the trigger back here in canada, interested in helping a brother out. :lol

:lol:lol I'm too far away, there has to be someone in NY or closer. I'm afraid of the Mounties, they'd trample me with their horses. :sancho
:lol:lol I'm too far away, there has to be someone in NY or closer. I'm afraid of the Mounties, they'd trample me with their horses. :sancho

:lol:lol this is a true story though. never been to the states before. but when l go one day l think l will go to a bar and make some friends and ask a guy to run to the nearest gun store and get me some mags. in the mean time this september here in Canada we will find out whether our long gun registry will be dismantled, if it is l will buy an Russian SKS. those mags there is a small pin that can easily be taken out so l can put 10 rounds in it instead of 5. l won't get caught doing this if l don't have to keep it registered. so we will see. but there will be some prison time if l get caught at the boarder with those mags. there is no reward without risk.:lol:lol
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You can't even have pictures of them. :(


a few weeks ago me and my co-worker were looking at gun pics at work when out of nowhere the head of HR came by for something. she saw what we were looking at and just rolled her eyes. :slap

she was cool about it. it just depends on who you talk to and how they feel about it. some are :panic: and others are :hi5:

i try to keep a low profile. i've had some react thinking i'm :cuckoo: once they find out i'm into it.

btw, picking up a few goodies this coming friday! :yess:
Beretta PX4 Storm! feels good in the hand but out of all the guns i have this is the oddest when it comes to charging the slide. the decocker lever comes up like two horns which makes it uncomfortable to rack back. i'll have to practice with this one. just my first impressions.



Bushmaster ACR! this baby is beautiful but boy are we Californians tied down when it comes to dropping the magazines! in order for it to be legal in our state a bullet button must be installed. the one made for it requires a thin, flat screwdriver to insert and scoop motion for the magazine to release. i'm hoping a device such as the Prince 50 for AR15's is made but i'm not holding my breath. btw, the bullet button for it seems to only be actuated on one side only. :( kinda sad for an ambidexterous rifle. well, i'm happy to have one anyway.




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now for my instant Glock collection!

Glock 33 which shoots the .357 Sig round. i've got some Double Tap ammo to try this little cutie out. can't wait! i got it in Olive Drab Green since most Glocks you see are Black.
