pamorn, you should just give in and take him out of the box all proper like. Your just going to get harrassed to no end if you don't.

Decent repaint. No Les Walker though.
Thats nice.
Not really.
PEOPLE. My comment was directed twords CJ, NOT the repaint...see, its right under him.
"No Les Walker though."
Thats nice.
Not really.
Yeesh! I dig the repaint, I would NEVER EVER EVER trash someone's custom work. Even if I dont like it, I wouldnt say it sucked.
your repaint looks very good. dont worry about this guy. nothing related to the dark knight will ever please him.
alright sorry man i was skimming posts and seriously thought you were taking a jab at the repaint. my bad.I was referring to him. Which is totally wrong because I LOVE TDK, and everything about