I got to see this on Saturday. I thought it was great. The movie was brutal, unpredictable, and it had a satisfying ending. Myers was awesome. The references to Halloween 2 and 3 were pretty neat. I thought the tone and cinematography were very well done. The only things that really stood out were the wacky Loomis 2.0 subplot, and some awkward humor here and there. The impact of the '78 incident on Laurie felt believable, and it was nice seeing her transition into a Ripley-type bad-ass after an initial trauma.
I was a bit put off by the crowd, though. There were two large groups of very young-ish kids. Anywhere from 4 or 5 to 10 or 11. And I was baffled as to who would bring these little kids to see the movie. I kept telling myself, "surely this is a mistake, and they'll leave when they realize this is the wrong movie." But no. Craziest damn thing. This is why our world is going to hell in a hand basket! One of those kids might turn into Michael Myers.