I like how we all seem to have a favorite avenger in the MCU and a corresponding film that we hate because of how it treated said character.
Khev hates the original Avengers because of Cap's awful costume.
JAWS hates AoU because of Hulk getting his ass kicked.
SNIKT hates Homecoming because Spider-Man was a teenager and not a hard-R mature adult.
I hate Thor 3 because of Thor being a stupid comedian.
And jye hates BP because it wasn't directed by Michael Bay.
That signature...
W... T... F...
If I hated a Avengers film solely because Hulk got his ass kicked then I would hate IW... I mean he gets his ass licked and never appears again.. Yet it may be my fav Marvel film.
Oh no no no no no… While I do hate that Hulk gets his ass kicked.. Its more that he gets nothing to do besides that scene.. I mean the Hulk vs. Hulk buster is the highlight of the film...
My issue with the AOU is that the rest of it is trash IMO... Villain is awful the final battle was boring... So many cringe inducing moments.. Its a bad film and still tied with IM3 as Marvels worst for me.
I mean give hulk a bit more to do and obviously I would like it a bit more. Just give his a couple of great Hulk moments like in the first Avengers film.. But the same could be said for all the hero's. Cap has some good moments but nothing to write home about (His best is tearing the wood apart). Thor is his usual pre Thor 3 boring self, and Iron Man is at his most forgettable.
And again the villain and his drones were just awful. They may as well have been toasters... I know that the original and IW have expendable Aliens but at least you know they feel pain so it means more when a punch lands.
If I hated a Avengers film solely because Hulk got his ass kicked then I would hate IW... I mean he gets his ass licked and never appears again.. Yet it may be my fav Marvel film.
AOU is just trash.
I was not aware that Thor was your fav hero..
Let me go back and tell you again why I liked Thor 3 more now with a bit more explanation.
I already told you earlier that I thought they made his character more interesting and its weird to go back and watch the earlier films and see what a dud he is..
But I think I give Thor 3 more of a pass not because of Thor in that film but because of what Thor was in IW. That character had much more in common with the Thor 3 character then the other Thor films.. So that is why I give Thor 3 more credit then I did before. Also Thanos took out the ship and turned Thor 3 into a downer![]()
Basically IW made Thor 3 a better movie![]()
I liked the Punisher on Netflix. I really liked the dynamic he had in season 2 of Daredevil and would have liked him stay as mean as he was there. His show is good but they try to make him to human by having him still go by Frank. At best it would just be an alias to him as he is now really just the Punisher. Kinda like Bruce Wayne is really Batman's mask. Both are driven but Frank is all about revenge and payback and Batman is more about justice. I can't wait to watch season 2. I would love to see Bernthal's Punisher meet Evan's Captain America like the Civil war comic series.
AOU was disappointing at the time but after-the-fact and in the context of everything else it's a fine watch. It's like when you binge watch a TV show and find it better than it was when you had to wait another week for the next episode.