Halo 4

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Thanks for the Assassination info, Philapplication!

So far, digging all the maps, though I get Haven so often, i am ready to never play it again. Based on the MP, I went ahead and got the season pass - hoping for a lot of new maps
There's 9 planned I believe.

Ok, cool - nine sounds alright. Kicked ass on MP yesterday; the 8 versus 8 is seriously great. Never played a MP maps with vehicles and whatnot, so it feels like total chaos sometimes. Good stuff, though getting my ass handed to me today. Had to take a bit of a break. Bruce, you still wanna MP? Shoot me that invite on Live; I'll be on in a bit!!!
That's what puts this way ahead of COD. Halo is just too much fun, when can you climb in a warthog with 2 other dudes and just tear **** up in COD? U can't man!
That's what puts this way ahead of COD. Halo is just too much fun, when can you climb in a warthog with 2 other dudes and just tear **** up in COD? U can't man!

Other than them both being FPS there completely different games, I don't understand why everything FPS has to get compared to COD.

But I just bought this today for that reason & because a lot my mates are on it. Let the fun begin :)
I don't understand why everything FPS has to get compared to COD.

Hasn't the introduction of Kill Cams in Halo kinda blurred the lines with COD? It does seems like a lot of non COD MP games have been inspired by its crazy sales...and I can't say I blame them. My one ongoing beef with MP: Matchmaking or lack there of. I am a level 32 Spartan going up against level 50's, 60's or higher...needless to say I don't do so well with those lineups. While I say it weekly, I'd love to get some Freaks online and some matches, maybe Sat: if interested shoot me a PM

Love to have 8 Freaks and do some of the 8 v 8 mode

Promise I am a lot less dorky while playing than I must come across online here
Heres my Gamertag for Live:

"Nucking im Futs"

Minus the parenthesis. if you guys shoot me a PM with your gt, or send me a friend request via Live, I'll add you
Wow this is a really fun game. I nearly missed playing football tonight because I was enjoying it so much.
I always held of Halo because my mate said you need to shoot your enemy five times in the head to kill them but its seems a lot simpler to me than that. I'm getting plenty of Kills though, getting killed more though :)
Yeah I know I said don't compare Halo to COD but what I like about this game you don't seem to get cheap deaths like from respawning directly in front of an enemy & no ****ing Lag issues like on BO2.
I will say that the hit boxes feel very generous; I'll hit a guy from 300 yards and the game declares it a headshot....at first I felt empowered!!! Lol