Hey all; dumb Halo 4 question of the day. Having now replayed Halo 1-4, what are the dudes in the covenant in Halo 4 with the jackels and the grunts? Are those supposed to be Elites (I assume)? Or updated/altered Brutes?
I know in Game 2 Brutes were Ape-like, and the ones in Halo 3 not sure of...LOL.....
I am up for some MP - starting to get good or decent - have a MIC, so let me know all - Nucking im Futs
Yeah, No brutes in Halo 4. They're Elites.
Hey all; dumb Halo 4 question of the day. Having now replayed Halo 1-4, what are the dudes in the covenant in Halo 4 with the jackels and the grunts? Are those supposed to be Elites (I assume)? Or updated/altered Brutes?
I know in Game 2 Brutes were Ape-like, and the ones in Halo 3 not sure of...LOL.....
I am up for some MP - starting to get good or decent - have a MIC, so let me know all - Nucking im Futs
Just got Fall of Reach...time to start reading.
Sweet ill add u broseph.
Any chance this will go on sale before Christmas?
Looking forward to the new maps; If I had a complaint about MP its this:
Update: looks like they've already adjusted it as of Monday; weird, I still got it a lot yesterday, not at all today
How do you do a finishing kill (from behind) in MP? I can't figure it out!
Longbow is the worst Big Team map.
Solace is the worst Infinity map.
I also hate how people vote for the same map over and over. Haven and Rag. are way the worst. Game defeinitly needs better map rotation. The one you just played shouldn't be in the line up the next vote.