Halo (TV Series) | Paramount+ March 24, 2022

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Ok now they have my attention…

The reviews are luke warm as expected. Still not bad source material for 1/6 figures.

Again we see why video game movies don’t succeed, Hollywood asshats disrespecting the source material. They reinvent the wheel each time not stopping to think why the material became so popular in the first place.

Hollywood hack:”Halo is good, but it can be better”
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I still don't understand why one would try and do an adaptation without first getting familiar with the source. I mean, I get specifically why (HALO = POPULAR 10 YEARS AGO = MONEY), but why even say such things? Why take pride in it?

I still maintain the "leaked" film footage from 2008 or something looked better. I won't even mention the live action ads of 3, ODST and Reach, which blew this out of the water.


Ah, what the Hell; Halo ended a decade ago anyhow.
This needed to be a big budget movie franchise in order to be done right. Not a crappy low budget tv show on Paramount +.

They will learn the hard way. And to make it worse, it's target audience will most likely not be the new "subscribers" they were hoping for. They will merely watch it through other means...

I'm loving the new Infinite game. The open world campaign, though a bit repetative, is new and refreshing. A nice sandbox world.
I don't know why you all have such a problem with diversity in a cast. I mean you all sound like a bunch of racists that can only watch something if white men are the focus.

Established fan bases don't like bait and switch.

Let's be honest here, the developers of Last Of Us 2 killed their own franchise. They literally stuck out their middle finger to the entire fan base. It's one thing to try to take a story in a different direction for storytelling reasons, it's another to intentionally appear to incite your core fan base as a type of punishment for not being woke enough.

I'm going to be fair about Halo as a franchise. It's going to be extremely difficult to sell a comprehensive story based on the core established world building in the games. Lost in Space on Netflix had that problem, they were forced to lock into specific characters that didn't quite fit but were legacy characters that they couldn't remove.

But as soon as Master Chief is bait and switched for some cutout woke diverse character, it's basically an attack on all legacy fans.

The Witcher Season 2 really started to ride off the rails. The pandemic didn't help. Henry Cavill's demands in his schedule to make big movies don't help. But you can't have a show called Witcher where he's mostly absent.

One of the woke infused shows, Star Trek Discovery, had an actress Mary Wiseman ( Tilly) who clearly had some kind of eating disorder in play. Her physical appearance just went dramatically in a way that they couldn't hide anymore and it was probably hurting their ability to create timeline continuity in the show ( Shows aren't filmed in chronological order). So the producers wrote her out. We accept everyone! Until they don't. I thought Tilly was a super interesting character to start. Then the writers used her as a caricature, then she got the boot.

I don't like woke in my TV and movies. But if it happens, have some fiber to it. Not just virtue signaling, stick to it even if it costs you.
Anyone watched the first episode yet? I’ll be waiting until the whole series is out before I sail the seven seas, since the UK apparently isn’t worthy of the greatness that is Paramount+.
Just watched it, I was bothered by a few casting decisions and Chief's voice still bothers me he's fine with small dialogue but I think he's lacking in the action parts. My biggest issue with the show was how constantly going from CGI to live-action shots of armor was a big headache and some shots that should be easy to do in live-action were done with CGI. Overall I enjoyed it but I'm still making fun of it and pointing out all the stupid stuff in my head while watching it.
Pablo Schreiber does a good job as Master Chief. The action was decent, but the overall feel has a very Syfy channel feel to it.

It's very underwhelming when you build a reveal of the Covenant dudes arriving and they're just hulking CGI things. Not the show's fault though it's in the design from the games.

I'm not too familiar with the games, never had an Xbox, but I heard what I saw in this heavily deviates from them.
Are those caps from the first episode? Everything I’ve seen has indicated 15/MA whatever to want to call it and those caps confirm it.
Yeah that was from the first Episode I was pretty suprised and was like "Alright!" when I saw the legs getting blown off