What's the youtube channel I can watch these interviews?
There's still a few I'd like to see from Universal; Henry Hull Werewolf, Dr. Pretorius, Ygor, Karloff from Son of Frankenstein, Glenn Strange's Monster, Metaluna Mutant, Mole People, the Hunchback, and of course, Dr. Frankenstein (yeah, wishful thinking). Neca is making a Ben Cooper kid Metaluna Mutant, so at least that one is possible. I wasn't a fan of Dracula's Daughter, but if they make one, I'll buy it. That said, I'd rather have Gina from the Brides of Dracula.
Neca is always dragging their feet and pumping out cloth figures instead of Ultimates (I need an Elvira already!). I hope they get a few of those Univ. figures out before their line comes to an end.
I was thinking, what about Abbot and Costello, I wonder if they're possible under Universal?