Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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Is the armor better fitting on the new stormtroopers? I just dusted my Obi in Clone amror and I had forgotten how horribly loose some of the leg armor is. Doesn't bother me too much on him because his robe covers it, but I'm questioning how good it'll look exposed.
That makes NO SENSE given that the originals are still available. But if those mental giants help make my version more rare, then 'Thank you!'

I don't think he's customizing them to make more stormtroopers (which would make no sense because the originals are still available as you've stated) but want's to use the superior headsculpts for Han and Luke customs. Makes perfect sense to me.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about not getting one at this point... sure its limited, but the high price tag will change a number of peoples minds once they ship.
reading about people butchering these to make normal figures makes me sad

i think this is one of the greatest things about collecting... adding one's point of view to the equation! Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it.
I personally would invest in a repaint on the current Han and Luke before spending money on a truetype and overpaying for convention exclusives just to improve the normal ANH figures. I hope there's enough of these to go around.
I personally would invest in a repaint on the current Han and Luke before spending money on a truetype and overpaying for convention exclusives just to improve the normal ANH figures. I hope there's enough of these to go around.

I don't understand that comment. I don't think they're overpriced considering each figure has a unique headsculpt and completely redone helmet which sits cheaper than it should with an increase of only $20 more for each figure. As a matter of fact, the price is right where we both guessed it'd be. :lol
I don't mean its overpriced like "I'm being ripped off" attitude. I mean that with the $10 price difference plus a probable further price break on secondary market regular troopers, I think it would be much cheaper to just get a repaint on the normal ANH guys than use these sculpts.