Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

What a crock of bull ^^^^. If they're marketing people had an ounce of common sense they would realize that this was in large part because it released almost the same time as the final book and Potter buzz was outta control. Many people had just reread the books and were looking for anything and everything Potter.

Exactly. :banghead
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

When is the Potter themed area of Islands Of Adventure opening in Orlando? Maybe they pushed back the film to coincide with the opening?
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

When is the Potter themed area of Islands Of Adventure opening in Orlando? Maybe they pushed back the film to coincide with the opening?

Supposedly late 09/early 10 so it may not be the reason. Especially with Deathly Hallows still to follow which would feed the park opening.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm not happy about it either - I wasn't happy when Paramount did it with Star Trek. But it makes a lot of sense and isn't stupid at all. There are only 2 time to release a tentpole film - Christmas or Summer. And if you release it in November you only have about 4 weeks before everyone goes back to school/work. In the Summer you have 12 weeks.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

From EW: https://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/200...+the+Half-Blood+Prince'+Bumped+to+Summer+2009

Some outside the studio are already pointing out that moving Half-Blood will also stop next year’s profits from looking seriously underwhelming after the phenomenal success of The Dark Knight. “They don’t need the money this year anymore,” says a rival studio exec. “When a movie overperforms the way Dark Knight has, you really don’t need Harry Potter in the fall.” Asked about the seriousness of moving a Potter movie so late in the game, the exec adds, “Turning a battleship that big isn’t easy. You’re not talking just about the movie, but all the merchandising, the toys and stuff. It’s huge. And it has a domino effect across the rest of the summer slate.” The date change will affect other studio’s slates as well. July 17 is currently home to Will Ferrell’s Land of the Lost, but Universal may quickly move to safer ground.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm not happy about it either - I wasn't happy when Paramount did it with Star Trek. But it makes a lot of sense and isn't stupid at all. There are only 2 time to release a tentpole film - Christmas or Summer. And if you release it in November you only have about 4 weeks before everyone goes back to school/work. In the Summer you have 12 weeks.

But with Star Trek they didn't announce the change just 3 months before the release. It was well over a year before the planned release they bumped it back a couple more months.

The biggest issue here is only a week or twoa go it was still planned as November with the teaser trailer. You'd think they'd have something as important as the release date set in stone before they released any footage. :rolleyes:
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The bottom line is that this type of thing is a ^^^^ty thing to do to the fans.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The bottom line is that this type of thing is a ^^^^ty thing to do to the fans.

Exactly. If the movie is going to be be done in November, why sit on it for EIGHT FREAKING MONTHS! That is insane. If they don't want it to be a "flop" compired to the Dark Knight, release it January 1st or the first Friday in January or something.

Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Are some of you waiting to committ suicide until after the film is released or something?

Are 93 year olds waiting to cross this off their bucket list?

From a quantity perspective, delaying the film actually will mean more people will have a chance to see it. More people will have read the books by then and more people will have turned 11 or whatever that magic age of being interested is, etc.

The most important thing is to make sure the movie doesn't suck like the last one did. If a delay helps that in any way, I'll be happy.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The most important thing is to make sure the movie doesn't suck like the last one did. If a delay helps that in any way, I'll be happy.

The movie is done and they aren't making any changes to it. Just sitting on it until next summer.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Are some of you waiting to committ suicide until after the film is released or something?

Are 93 year olds waiting to cross this off their bucket list?

From a quantity perspective, delaying the film actually will mean more people will have a chance to see it. More people will have read the books by then and more people will have turned 11 or whatever that magic age of being interested is, etc.

The most important thing is to make sure the movie doesn't suck like the last one did. If a delay helps that in any way, I'll be happy.

The biggest thing is the film will be FINISHED in time for its original release date. So in short, they will just sit on the finished film for EIGHT more months. That is the biggest concern. The film will be done and ready and just waiting for summer because supposedly it will do better then :rolleyes:

This may be a two or three viewer in the theater, but I'm only going once if they keep the new summer release date. I wont' boycott it because that would be stupid, but I won't support it more than once in the theater now.

I even submitted a form to WB stating how annoyed I was.

Oh, and by the way, my 87 year old Great Grandmother IS looking forward to seeing this film.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

They're pulling the same crap with Star Trek. It's supposedly going to be done in December (the original release date), but pushed it to May for marketing reasons.

I'm no marketing genius, but wouldn't you want to release the movie at a time when there isn't going to be a lot competition as opposed to the summer where you're king of the hill one week and dollar theater the next? :confused:
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

They're pulling the same crap with Star Trek. It's supposedly going to be done in December (the original release date), but pushed it to May for marketing reasons.

I'm no marketing genius, but wouldn't you want to release the movie at a time when there isn't going to be a lot competition as opposed to the summer where you're king of the hill one week and dollar theater the next? :confused:

I agree. The whole idea of summer being the only time a blockbuster can come out is riddiculous. If the film is good, it will do well no matter when it is released. Heck, it will probably even do better durning the lulls as there is nothing else to see and it has the audience's full attention. It seems anywhere between January and May there is NOTHING good out. Perfect time to release these films in there.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I definitely understand the money move, but I think they are underestimating the revenue of a Nov/Dec release and the movie itself. Like someone said earlier, this would have conincided with "The Tales of Beedle and Bard" which has renewed the HP fury. Also, we're coming to the end of the line w/ HP and I believe each movie from OotP on will eclipse the previous no matter what the release date is.

Also, if memory serves me right, Return of the King didn't do to bad with a December 17th release.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

There's never been any poblems money wise for movies in the holiday season before. S^^t, even Night At The Museum grossed over $250 million with a Dec. 22 release date. And that movie sucked.


Again, WB, this is for you! :mad:
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The movie is a product. Warner Brothers is simply flaunting all of that in everyone's face.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Lame news... I was really looking forward to this one. Kind of an end cap for a year of cool ass movies :(
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The movie is a product. Warner Brothers is simply flaunting all of that in everyone's face.

This better not start a trend of movies being made only to never be released and become urban legends. :rolleyes:

Its not so much a NEEDED delay that would bother me but the fact it will be READY in Novemeber only to be sat on for EIGHT more months is what is pissing me off royally.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

From a quantity perspective, delaying the film actually will mean more people will have a chance to see it. More people will have read the books by then and more people will have turned 11 or whatever that magic age of being interested is, etc.

Well if that's your opinion then why not push it back a few years. Even MORE people will have read the books by then and interest will be even greater.

Right??? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You don't have to be fan of the novels to enjoy the movies. I don't know why people keep thinking that only fans of the novels enjoy the films.

The movies can stand on their own.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Just read about this over at imdb.com. The whole summer movie mentality is becoming absurd. Summer is not the only time that movies can exist, make money, become successful, etc.

Contrary to suits' beliefs, People actually want to see movies year round, at least I do. I don't go to a movie just because it's summer time. They (WB) didn't have any problem releasing these movies in December when Lord of the Rings was being released, and it wasn't until LOTR finished that they moved the Potter schedule to the summer months. Now they were getting back to the original release months and because they're afraid of not having a tentpole for the summer this movie must wait. What difference does it make if $300 million comes in in November vs. July? I know, I know - shareholders, corporations, etc.

It's just a ridiculous scenario. Besides, Potter feels like a fall movie, not a summer blockbuster.

Oh yeah, the worst thing is that it's all about quarterly profit margins - that's it.
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