Yeah, this version of Obi is my preferred Clone Wars look for him. If I remember correctly, he only looked like this in the first season of the original animated series (referred to as micro series because the episodes were super short). It looks like they got his hair wrong on the figure, but eh not a big deal for me.
He looked much different (and not as cool imo) in the long running computer generated animation series.
Yeah Im not really sold on Grievous yet either. Will wait for more pics before I decide on him. Bandai kit is still king despite the lame cape lol.
I built the GG model and it looks great. I reviewed it a while back on my site. The thing that might push me to pick up this new BS GG is I won’t be afraid to touch it. With the model, if you’ve not handled it in a while you forget how delicate it is and you start knocking things off.
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I agree with Reefer that Obi-Wan from the original cartoon series is his superior armored look.
I’m just waiting on the vintage rereleases to go up for PO (Fett, Luke, Bossk etc).
Hurry up Hasbro I ain’t got all day lol
I just saw some official promos shots of Grievous and I do feel better about him now! Who am I kidding, when I see him on the shelf for $20, there's no way I'm going to resist lol
Might still get the Bandai Kit just because those are just so awesome. I can see your point on him being super fragile though with those tiny styrene limbs. But fragile figures don't typically bother me too much.
He doesn't bother me on the shelf, at all. It's like I mentioned in my review, I think. When you spend a lot of time with him, you learn how far you can push him. When you pick him up for the first time for a dynamic photo shoot and start posing him around, after forgetting everything, you start knocking stuff off. And cursing. Then drinking. Then being tackles by your significant other as you head downstairs wit ha torch and a can of gasoline.
I just saw some official promos shots of Grievous and I do feel better about him now! Who am I kidding, when I see him on the shelf for $20, there's no way I'm going to resist lol
Might still get the Bandai Kit just because those are just so awesome. I can see your point on him being super fragile though with those tiny styrene limbs. But fragile figures don't typically bother me too much.
Grevious will fall into the larger scale BS figure line and retail for $29.99.
Were these ever made into BS:
Jake Lloyd (with Pod Racer)
Amidala in red gown
Shame I would love a Queen Amidala in her famous red gown first revealed in the TPM trailer!