HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Episode 4 was ok, but I can't help but be disappointed by how much they're wussing out in the graphic violence department. Part of what makes the game so memorable is how brutal Joel is in dispatching his enemies.

I understand why and was completely prepared for them watering it down, but completely agree. Very disappointing.
This episode was fine for what it was. Reminded me a fair bit of TWD though. Escaping violent human Raiders in post apocalyptic zombie setting.
Still don't like Ellie all that much. I guess the bad joke thing was supposed to be endearing but I just wanted her to shut up.
This episode was fine for what it was. Reminded me a fair bit of TWD though. Escaping violent human Raiders in post apocalyptic zombie setting.

An inevitable comparison. And I prefer the basic Walkers of TWD to be honest. What this show may have going for it is the Joel/Ellie relationship and from what I understand

that will finish in season 2 if they follow the games?! I think that'll be to the detriment of the show

The hunter attack was lame. 3 guys?

Their leader is not intimidating at all
An inevitable comparison. And I prefer the basic Walkers of TWD to be honest. What this show may have going for it is the Joel/Ellie relationship and from what I heard

Yeah I've heard the same, that the relationship between Joel and Ellie elevates it above other post apocalyptic zombie stuff but so far, I'm not getting anything from their relationship in the show.
Maybe the game did this all much better, but in the show, Ellie is so unlikeable and I've liked Joel so far but did find myself losing interest in his character this episode.
Not sure why that is. Grumpy tough old man persona wearing thin I guess.
We're about half way through the season I think?
Feels like they've still got quite a long way to go to get to the medical site.
They've still got time to make Ellie likeable and develop an interesting relationship between her and Joel but I'm struggling to get particularly invested in the show.
As someone coming to this story fresh, the show just feels like TWD 2.0
The fungal zombies and all that stuff is interesting but the much vaunted characters aren't living up to the hype for me personally.
Yeah I enjoyed most of this episode too and it's cool to see direct adaptations of some scenes like the porn mag which I thought they were going to miss:

But aside from most of the bits with Joel and Ellie the rest of the episode just didn't really work for me and I can see why it would be rated the lowest out of all the 4 released so far.

First of all the lack of violcence has become quite distracting, it's obvious they are doing everything in their power to avoid and the constant cutaways from death scenes and injuries have become extremely annoying, violence is an integral part of TLOU and the games never shy away from it's ugliness unless it's for moments where the brutality is better left imagined than shown, the show isn't about that tho it's very clear they are staying faaaaar way from any sort of violence as possible I don't know if it's because there's this narrative that video games are too violent which is funny when Game of Thrones remains probably the most popular show of all time that had insane ammount of violence and gore in it and it was from HBO too, or something else entirely.

I agree with what's been said about the hunters I don't know why we must "humanize" every villain now, it has become a cliché at this point and an annoying one, some people are just pieces of **** and in the apocalypse where life is cheaper than a pair of boots having larger groups of murderers, rapists and thieves would only be natural because it's a world those kind of monsters can thrive in, we don't need a tragic backstory or a villain who thinks they're doing the right thing, especially when said villain is a woman with a squeaky voice who is about as a intimidating as a cute puppy.

Overall by this episode it has become clear to me that the show, while a good adaptation, cannot live up to the game for me, the first episode remains my favorite so far and if the pattern keeps up in these next few episodes that probably won't change, what I was excited to see more was the expansion of the lore and characters and the infected I feel we've seen very little of it, what they've done is taken the game and remix it's content with new stuff which just isn't as interesting imo, aside from the extended prologue and Bill's backstory there hasn't really been anything else that had me going "man I wish this was in the game, it might even be better." I mean it's funny by all accounts I should be thrilled that an adaptation this good exists and my complaints are few but unfortunately the show hasn't quite grabbed me like I hoped it would or how the game continues to since almost a decade ago.

Anyway it will be cool to finally see a bloater in live action next episode but you just know they'll cut away from it when it's about to rip some dude's head apart. :lol Also hoping they manage to make Sam and Henry's story as impactful as it was in the game.
Yeah you’re right, we must be.
In the last episode, she used the puns and jokes to make her seem sweeter, but for me, other than the last one, I thought her delivery seemed very forced and didn't work for me. Outside of that, she's been mean and annoying. She just hasn't worked as Ellie for me. I struggle to understand why people think she's doing a great job as Ellie. People may like this version, but she's not even close to being the same Ellie as the game.
In the last episode, she used the puns and jokes to make her seem sweeter, but for me, other than the last one, I thought her delivery seemed very forced and didn't work for me. Outside of that, she's been mean and annoying. She just hasn't worked as Ellie for me. I struggle to understand why people think she's doing a great job as Ellie. People may like this version, but she's not even close to being the same Ellie as the game.
She’s not been much different from the game version at all imo. I think she’s doing a great job.

My friends think I’m grumpy and miserable and that I hate everything, god forbid they ever see this place :lol.
She’s not been much different from the game version at all imo. I think she’s doing a great job.

My friends think I’m grumpy and miserable and that I hate everything, god forbid they ever see this place :lol.
It's not just her acting. The writing has her swearing every other sentence pretty much, but in the game she swears more sparingly. There's much more of an innocent side to her in the game, while also having this tough girl persona and being annoying. In the show it's mostly been the latter other than the jokes in the last episode and a couple of other scenes that are pulled from the game. I think the show is decent, but it has it's issues. Ellie being one of the biggest imo.

Also, I'm pretty sure most if not everyone in this forum/thread thinks the show is okay at least. It's an adaptation. We have more criticisms, because we're fans of the game and if something is done different or worse than in the game, then that would probably affect people's enjoyment vs someone who's never played it. Especially since some here are hardcore fans. It hasn't even been that negative here considering that. That's why it may be more critical than wherever else your looking or your friends circle.
I just watched the cutscenes from the game. Other than Bill, its all so close, some of it exact... except if you think that CGI Ellie, with that plasticy expressible animated face, is a better actress, then you must have been 13 when this game debuted.

I get it for some -- this show is just a live-action repeat (mostly) of what you've known and thought about for a decade... without the adrenaline rush of playing the game.

I just watched the cutscenes from the game. Other than Bill, its all so close, some of it exact... except if you think that CGI Ellie, with that barely expressible animated face, is a better actress, then you must have been 13 when this game debuted.

I get it for some -- this show is just a live-action repeat (mostly) of what you've known and thought about for a decade... without the adrenaline rush of playing the game.
I find the remake version of the game to have very expressive and subtle animations and yes Ashley Johnson is a much better actress than Bella Ramsey especially in the second game, she's also older so I can't really fault Bella for lack of expirience due to her age but then again I think Troy Baker's portrayal of Joel is overall better than Pedro's as well.

The real test is going to be the ranch scene, if Pedro and Bella can't nail it then it's a dud, future spoilers for the show:
I just can't "believe" in cartoons. Must be my own issue.

Anyway, I personally like the show so far. Nothing truly great yet, but very good.

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Yeah I get it, in my case I can't "believe" most LA Hollywood actors who live in millionaire mansions either, I know people love Pedro Pascal and he is playing the role well but when I watch the show I still see Pedro Pascal, not Joel.

Yes it's a good adaptation, the story itself is simple and it's really Joel and Ellie that are the focus but TLOU becomes truly great when we reach the Winter chapter and the end.

Would have much preferred Jeffrey Pierce played the hunter's leader instead of henchman. He's a good actor and would have been cool since he played Tommy already.

I know both games backwards and there's no way the show could live up to their greatness. I wish it was more graphic and violent though. Small bursts of it, but instead Joel's half deaf and his back is killing him.

I wanted to see him force a hunter's head onto a shard of glass but we don't see him even kill him? They're taking parts from the game that are so tense and already cinematic and chucking them around elsewhere and that lessens their impact. Remember Joel climbing up the ladder, being kicked in the face and almost drowning? Now it's a mild strangulation. Or worse - Joel in the basement in the dark starting the generator? Gone.

It's angering me that these crucial moments are being severely neutered or jettisoned altogether.