Yeah I enjoyed most of this episode too and it's cool to see direct adaptations of some scenes like the porn mag which I thought they were going to miss:
But aside from most of the bits with Joel and Ellie the rest of the episode just didn't really work for me and I can see why it would be rated the lowest out of all the 4 released so far.
First of all the lack of violcence has become quite distracting, it's obvious they are doing everything in their power to avoid and the constant cutaways from death scenes and injuries have become extremely annoying, violence is an integral part of TLOU and the games never shy away from it's ugliness unless it's for moments where the brutality is better left imagined than shown, the show isn't about that tho it's very clear they are staying faaaaar way from any sort of violence as possible I don't know if it's because there's this narrative that video games are too violent which is funny when Game of Thrones remains probably the most popular show of all time that had insane ammount of violence and gore in it and it was from HBO too, or something else entirely.
I agree with what's been said about the hunters I don't know why we must "humanize" every villain now, it has become a cliché at this point and an annoying one, some people are just pieces of **** and in the apocalypse where life is cheaper than a pair of boots having larger groups of murderers, rapists and thieves would only be natural because it's a world those kind of monsters can thrive in, we don't need a tragic backstory or a villain who thinks they're doing the right thing, especially when said villain is a woman with a squeaky voice who is about as a intimidating as a cute puppy.
Overall by this episode it has become clear to me that the show, while a good adaptation, cannot live up to the game for me, the first episode remains my favorite so far and if the pattern keeps up in these next few episodes that probably won't change, what I was excited to see more was the expansion of the lore and characters and the infected I feel we've seen very little of it, what they've done is taken the game and remix it's content with new stuff which just isn't as interesting imo, aside from the extended prologue and Bill's backstory there hasn't really been anything else that had me going "man I wish this was in the game, it might even be better." I mean it's funny by all accounts I should be thrilled that an adaptation this good exists and my complaints are few but unfortunately the show hasn't quite grabbed me like I hoped it would or how the game continues to since almost a decade ago.
Anyway it will be cool to finally see a bloater in live action next episode but you just know they'll cut away from it when it's about to rip some dude's head apart.

Also hoping they manage to make Sam and Henry's story as impactful as it was in the game.