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I usually don't care much about TV spoilers, but this is one show where I avoid info like the plague. I love having thinking things are playing out one way just to be surprised at how it sends up.
Come to think of it I can't remember how Theon came to be captured in the first place.

in the show? his men gave him up.

in the book?

He released a prisoner named Reek from the dungeons of winterfel, made him his advisor. Reek goes around killing off theon's men in secret, and trying to make it look like the army at the gates is doing it.

Eventualy reek escapes winterfel, turns out to be
Rodrik Bolton
he comes back with his army, WIPES OUT the force seiging winterfel. Theon welcomes him in with open arms. he then Kills all of Theon's men, Takes theon prisoner, and burns winterfel to the ground. He then starts tortureing Theon.
in the show? his men gave him up.

in the book?

He released a prisoner named Reek from the dungeons of winterfel, made him his advisor. Reek goes around killing off theon's men in secret, and trying to make it look like the army at the gates is doing it.

Eventualy reek escapes winterfel, turns out to be
Rodrik Bolton
he comes back with his army, WIPES OUT the force seiging winterfel. Theon welcomes him in with open arms. he then Kills all of Theon's men, Takes theon prisoner, and burns winterfel to the ground. He then starts tortureing Theon.


Everything is right except
his name is Ramsay Snow, at the moment at least until he is legitimized after the Red Wedding.
in the show? his men gave him up.

in the book?

He released a prisoner named Reek from the dungeons of winterfel, made him his advisor. Reek goes around killing off theon's men in secret, and trying to make it look like the army at the gates is doing it.

Eventualy reek escapes winterfel, turns out to be
Rodrik Bolton
he comes back with his army, WIPES OUT the force seiging winterfel. Theon welcomes him in with open arms. he then Kills all of Theon's men, Takes theon prisoner, and burns winterfel to the ground. He then starts tortureing Theon.

Thats bad ***, wish they would have went with that in the series.
Yes, Talisa will be at the wedding. You can see her in this gif, which is most certainly from the Red Wedding scene.

Christ, you're right. He's a ****ing idiot. I can stand by even his dumb decisions because of who he is but this is retarded. Man, this is going to be crazy.

God dammit.... Why did I go to the GOT wiki and read about Briane? That then led me to:

The Red Wedding



Stay away from that place. It's an awesome reference and it is very accurate.

Everything is right except
his name is Ramsay Snow, at the moment at least until he is legitimized after the Red Wedding.

I thought in the book
He Kills Everyone of his legetimate brothers and sisters, making himself the only legitamte Bolton hier alive, thus legetimizing himself. Or does that event happen at the red wedding? Additionaly I thought that at the red wedding, teh one who was LEgetimized was John Snow, who then becomes John Stark, shortly before the death of Robb. or does that happen as well?
Exactly, I mean the chronology of all these things is a bit bizarre. The Mad King stuff where, from his telling of it, he did a well intentioned honorable and good thing preceded his pushing the Stark child out the tower window - a terrible deed. Then brutally killing his young cousin. And now he's back being good and noble again. I'm not sure how much sense this makes, though I'm enjoying watching it.

That was a great scene, I've been waiting for them to have one together. I think its the first one we've seen since Tywin first arrived in the city. The acting from the Joffrey kid was great. I actually wouldn't say he was smug in this scene, rather appropriately nervous and twitchy. He knows who the real boss is.

Yeah, I'm really enjoying Jaimes character in the show and the movie at this point. A very complex character, although I don't know how much sense I can make of him.

I think he was smug up until Tywin walked straight up to the throne. " Im the King!" type thing. When Tywin hits that top step watch closely. He actually backs up into the throne a little. He changes. :lol

That kid has ****ing nailed Joffrey. He's just as deplorable in the books
I thought in the book
He Kills Everyone of his legetimate brothers and sisters, making himself the only legitamte Bolton hier alive, thus legetimizing himself. Or does that event happen at the red wedding? Additionaly I thought that at the red wedding, teh one who was LEgetimized was John Snow, who then becomes John Stark, shortly before the death of Robb. or does that happen as well?

Ramsay does kill off at least one other offspring, I remember that but Im almost certain that after the Red Wedding when Lord Bolton is name Warden of the North he also legitimizes his bastard and names him his heir. He's also named Lord of Winterfell and weds the fake Arya Stark which is Jeyne Poole. Robb does legitimize Jon Snow but not at the Red Wedding. He does before. So it can still happen but I doubt it. He has to find out Tyrion is to marry Sansa first. If he dies he doesn't want Tyrion to get Winterfell. He sends Mormont and Glover( can't remember their first names) North with the letter. The other contents of the letter are unknown as of now.

Edit: And for you guys that keep ruining things for yourself do what I do. I don't go to the threads until Im up to date whether it's a movie or show, I don't read the interviews, check out YouTube, FB or any other site like that. Im a huge Batman fan and do you know what I knew about TDKR before I saw it? I knew Bane was in it, that Catwoman was in it and that Bruce Wayne had a gross depression beard. That was it. I avoided news like the plague.
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" and the biggest Skull was the size of a carriage"

Joffrey was onto something there. You know what I'm looking forard to most? Kittens
Hahaha. With some exceptions these spoilers are meaningless to me. I don't know who these people are and by the time I see them on the show I'll have forgotten the spoilers.
Hahaha. With some exceptions these spoilers are meaningless to me. I don't know who these people are and by the time I see them on the show I'll have forgotten the spoilers.

:exactly:i was just thinking the same thing, i've read every spoiler in here, but there's so many characters that the names for the most part just look blurred to me...:lol
:lol I read up on Theon's character to see where it's going and now I want him dead more than ever.

Agreed. I read Theon's page on A Wikia of Ice and Fire to see where they were going with his character and it doesn't seem like he ever becomes pivotal again.

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I'm getting tired of watching Theon get tortured. As I understand it, Theon is not in the third or fourth books at all, and reappears in the fifth, but is so disfigured that he isn't instantly recognizable. Great excuse to drop the character from the show until that point, and recast if the actor doesn't want to return in a few years. Hire someone who resembles the actor enough after adding torture makeup. But showing endless torture that the author only mentioned later after the fact, just to keep the actor around, isn't the best choice for the show. I get the point by now, but they're not free to do anything else with him until the show catches up to book five.

I don't look forward to several more seasons of nothing but "Meanwhile, in Theon's torture chamber..." It's going to turn into a joke pretty quickly.
Agreed. Unless they have some other plans for him outside the books I see this getting old fast
The only thing I like about it is the actor whos doing the torturing. He's good.

Anyway, I can't believe you guys that haven't read the books are reading the spoilers. I get not remembering the names but what about important plot points? You really don't care?

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