HBO's Game of Thrones

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Finished the first season about 10 minutes ago...I still think that many people over-hype it.

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that it is a very good show. Acting wise, story wise, all aspects really are all expertly done. It just didn't live up to this huge expectation that people are giving it.

I can understand that you feel let down but I guess you have to see it more so as a whole than by it's parts. Try the second season which was way better than the first.
What would you consider a better show? Just need some relative comparison here.

Two of my absolute favourite shows of a similar genre (drama) are Sons of Anarchy and Spartacus. I have other favourites that I can watch numerous times but those are of very different genre/style so I wouldn't grant them as a fair comparison.

GoT is a somewhat rare genre of TV for me, being a medieval-fantasy drama. The closest thing by comparison that I have watched is Spartacus.

I can understand that you feel let down but I guess you have to see it more so as a whole than by it's parts. Try the second season which was way better than the first.

Oh i will definitely be watching the second season. Like I said, I enjoyed the first, I just feel as if it was over-rated/over-hyped.
You like Spartacus better than Game of Thrones? My impression watching Spartacus was it was a notch above cheap soft core porn in quality.
You like Spartacus better than Game of Thrones? My impression watching Spartacus was it was a notch above cheap soft core porn in quality.

As of this moment, I'd say I do. I joined both Spartacus and GoT late, so followed neither from the start, but did watch Spartacus long before GoT. So the fact I started watching it earlier could be the reason.

As for a notch above cheap soft core porn, okay. My impression was a mostly realistic representation of Rome, the Ludus, the slavery etc. I especially thought the fact that they managed to create a show with great tension and drama at moments even though the vast majority of people already know the outcome, due to Spartacus's story being so famous, is fantastic. Granted that many people will have read Game of Thrones before watching the show, but I reckon it's safe to say more people know the full story of Spartacus over A Song of Ice and Fire.

I had more heart pounding moments of suspense like "How on earth does Spartacus survive this, I could've sworn he freed the slaves?" than I had in Game of Thrones. I'd say the most heart pounding, edge of seat moment I had was the end of Episode 9.
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You like Spartacus better than Game of Thrones? My impression watching Spartacus was it was a notch above cheap soft core porn in quality.

Spartacus is a really good show too. Did you watch the whole season? It does start off a little cheesy (with the CGI blood and slow mo action scenes), but about halfway through the season, the storylines and tensions build up to the best season finale of any show I have watched.

Season finale of Spartacus S1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Season finale of GoT S1

As of this moment, I'd say I do. I joined both Spartacus and GoT late, so followed neither from the start, but did watch Spartacus long before GoT. So the fact I started watching it earlier could be the reason.

As for a notch above cheap soft core porn, okay. My impression was a mostly realistic representation of Rome, the Ludus, the slavery etc. I especially thought the fact that they managed to create a show with great tension and drama at moments even though the vast majority of people already know the outcome, due to Spartacus's story being so famous, is fantastic. Granted that many people will have read Game of Thrones before watching the show, but I reckon it's safe to say more people know the full story of Spartacus over A Song of Ice and Fire.

I had more heart pounding moments of suspense like "How on earth does Spartacus survive this, I could've sworn he freed the slaves?" than I had in Game of Thrones. I'd say the most heart pounding, edge of seat moment I had was the end of Episode 9.

I really enjoy both shows and it is difficult to compare them to one another as they are different genres. If I had to choose, I guess I would choose Spartacus over GoT only because there is a satisfying payoff in Spartacus as opposed to GoT where things are going to continue to get dragged out for several seasons (if the books are any indication).
Season finale of Spartacus S1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Season finale of GoT S1

:exactly: When I first watched the season finale, the moment it ended I actually rewatched the second half straight away. Definitely one of the best season finale's I've seen to date. For Game of Thrones, episode 9 felt like more of a finale to me than the majority of episode 10, bar the last 15-20 minutes I reckon.

And you also make a very valid point about the amount of satisfaction gained from each show. I hadn't thought of it like that, and I agree with you on that.
How I would rate Game of Throne Season 1 vs Spartacus Season 1:

Quality: Game of Thrones
Acting: Game of Thrones (although Spartacus is very close)
Entertainment: Spartacus
Season finales: Mother ____ing Spartacus
Tis the way of the Internet. When people like stuff all of sudden it's THE BEST THING EVAR!!! I've seen it happening over and over again whenever something new comes out.
I think the 'mad over-hype' is due to these people having read the books first and getting excited for what they're going to see.

The books are wonderful, engrossing, and well-written. One of the best reads i've ever enjoyed, so i, like the other mad freaks, have been completely geeking out for the show.
I watched Black Hawk Down again the other day and I didn't realize he was in it. He played a sniper who was awarded a Medal of Honor post-humously for getting blown to bits by 'skinnies.':google
I just watched the 2 seasons of this last week and I'm blown away. Can't wait for season 3 to start.
Was this actor in some other show that has a cult following or something? I really can't understand why anyone would like this character.

Apparently having nice hair and smile > (attempted) child murderer and incest :rotfl

That being said, I actually enjoy the character and was happy to see what he did to get out of that cage, because for a minute I thought being locked up was going to turn him into a nice guy. :horror