Westboro Baptist Church are a bunch of crazy f'ing kooks. They do this all the time. In fact, these a-holes picket the funerals of dead troops that come back from Iraq!!!
No ****. I don't see how anyone claiming to be a Christian can revel in someone else's death.
Westboro Baptist Church are a bunch of crazy f'ing kooks. They do this all the time. In fact, these a-holes picket the funerals of dead troops that come back from Iraq!!!
Saw this on another board. What the **** is wrong with people?
It's one thing to no believe in homosexuality, but another to lash out at those who have anything to do with it. Extremists in any group always ruin it for the ones that make it a good thing. I say let the police shoot them all with riot pellets. It's a ****ing funeral for crying outloud, how disrepectful can people be.
Here's a thought: what if the funeral is in Australia? I can't imagine these backwater kooks are the type that keep their passports current.
Mark my words, one day in the near future these extremists (of Christian, Islamic, and even anti-religious {see church shooter in CO}) will be blowing up stuff rather than simply making a scene.
Hasn't that already been happening all over the world for years now?
Yes of course. I mean here in America with Americans doing it to Americans, regularly.
The ironic thing is the Christian religion has basic doctorine which includes "Do Not Judge Lest Ye Be Judged" and "Let He Without Sin Cast The First Stone". Then these extremists do just that judge and cast stones on every one who is secular because they see fit.